geosocindia.org Earth Science Olympiad Geoshpere Sample Question Paper : Geological Society of India

Name of the Organisation : Geological Society of India
Name of the paper : National / International Earth Science Olympiad
Year : 2017
Subject :  Geoshpere  :
Website : http://www.geosocindia.org/index.php/ieso/index
Download Sample Question Paper:
Geoshpere – Practical : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/22960-GeoPract.pdf
Geoshpere – Theory : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/22960-Geotheory.pdf

Geological Society Earth Science Olympiad Paper

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Related : Geological Society of India Earth Science Olympiad Atmosphere & Hydroshpere Theory Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/22954.html


1. Please write your name and nationality in English (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) on the cover page.
2. The time allocated for this examination is TWO hours.

3. Please write your answers legibly with a pen. Illegible answers will be counted as incorrect.
4. Please write your answers only on the test booklet provided.
5. You may respond to questions either in English or your native language, or a combination of both.

6. Please choose the most appropriate answer by encircling the letter that corresponds to the answer. Choosing more than one answer would result in forfeit of point.
7. Read the entire question group carefully before starting to answer. Each question has a point value assigned and indicated on the right hand side of the question for example, (1 or 3).

8. For some questions, you will be asked to provide your answers corresponding to a figure. Please do so carefully.
9. Any inappropriate examination behavior will result in your withdrawal from the IESO.

Geosphere Question Paper

Questions 1 to 10 correspond to Figure 1.
1. What is the correct order (older to younger) of the formation of the rocks? (3)
a) C,D,B,A,E+(H,G,F)
b) C,B,E,H,A,F,E,D
c) C,F,B,A,E +(H,G,D)
d) H,G,F,E,C,D,B,A

2 Which types of faults are presented in the Figure 1? (1)
a) Reverse faults
b) Extension faults
c) Transform faults
d) Strike slip faults

3 Which type of tectonic setting is presented in the Figure 1? (1)
a) Subduction
b) Collision
c) Rifting
d) Transform

4 Which type of fossil should NOT be expected in unit A? (1)
a) Stromatolite
b) Fossil wood
c) Ammonite
d) Echinoderms

5 Which mineral is expected to be found in layer G? (1)
a) Halite
b) Calcite
c) Quartz
d) Clay

6 The red sandstone in layer B is cemented by: (1)
a) Copper
b) Quartz
c) Calcite
d) Iron

7 Cross bedding is most likely to be expected in layers: (1)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

8 Which of the following rocks is a result of interaction between the Hydrosphere and the Biosphere: (2)
a) Sandstone
b) Salt
c) Limestone
d) Granite

9 The hydrosphere processes that affect various rocks in the section is seen in : (2)
a) All the rocks
b) All the rocks except granite and rhyolite
c) Limestone, marl and salt
d) Sandstone, conglomerate and limestone

10 Which of the earth systems (spheres) is active in producing salt deposits? (2)
a) Hydrosphere and biosphere
b) Geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.
c) Geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
d) Atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere

Questions 11 to 13 corresponds to Figure 2.
This is a schematic diagram of a typical cross-section of an ocean
11 How many plates are present in the Figure above? (2)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

12 Which type of rock could be formed in Region A? (1)
a) Basalt, obsidian and chert
b) Sandstone and basalt
c) Clay and chert
d) Mostly basalt

13 Beneath which regions of the section can one expect volcanism? (1)
a) C and E
b) A and C
c) B and D
d) B and A

Questions 14 to 19 corresponds to Figure 3.
Shown in the Figure 3 are sedimentary rock sections from two different continents X and Y. The names of the rock strata are provided at the left. Different symbols represent fossils as shown in the legend at the right. The fossils are given hypothetical names. Each type of fossil represents a specific geologic time.
Which of the following pair represents similar age: (2)
a) G and R
b) A and L
c) D and P
d) B and P

15 Which of the following statement is true?
a) O is younger than D
b) A is older than L
c) N and C are of same age
d) O is older than D

16 Which of the following animal group appeared earliest in the history of these continents?
a) Ac
b) Tr
c) Mc
d) An

17 Vt represents a terrestrial animal that cannot swim. How would you explain the occurrence of Vt fossil in both the continents, if there is a vast ocean between continent X and Y today? (2)
a) Vt appeared independently in both the continents
b) The continents were connected when Vt was alive
c) Vt developed an ability of swimming and later lost it.
d) b and c

18 E represents an ash layer containing a radioactive isotope with half life of 100 Ma (million years). The ratio of parent to daughter isotope is found to be 1/8 in E. What is the age of the strata E? (3)
a) 200 Ma
b) 300 Ma
c) 400 Ma
d) 800 Ma

19 If the absolute age of each strata is denoted by tstrata. Please find out which of the following statement is true? (> means greater than) (3)
a) tC >tD> tF
b) tD >tN>tL
c) tP >tQ> tR
d) tO >tD> tQ

20 A, B, M and Q are fossils occurring in rock strata of Continent X and Continent Y. If you want to correlate these two rock successions which fossil would you choose as the best index fossil? (2)
a) A
b) B
c) M
d) Q

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