davcae.net.in Summative Assesment – I Class-VIII Sample Question Paper 2017 : D.A.V. Centre for Academic Excellence

Name of the Organisation : D.A.V. Centre for Academic Excellence
Name of the Exam : Class-VIII (2017-18)
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category : Class VIII
Website : http://davcae.net.in/F9491760-E979-4222-8842-D553417C8ECF/Page/Year-2013—2014

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DAV CAE Summative Assesment – I Paper

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DAV CAE Summative Assesment II Class VIII Question Paper


Sample Question Paper of Class-VIII

Class VIII :
Time : 3 Hrs.
Maximum Marks : 80

English Course A

General Instructions :
1. This paper consists of 4 sections : A, B, C & D.
2. Attempt all questions.
3. Ensure that questions of each section are answered together.
4. Read each question carefully and follow the given instructions.
5. All the answers must be correctly numbered as shown in the question paper and should be written in the answer sheet provided to you.
6. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.
7. Don’t write anything on the question-paper.

1. Read the passage carefully :
1. On Buddha Purnima Buddhists refrain from eating meat and eat kheer which they share with poor. They set up stalls in public places which provide clean drinking water. Their special form of charity include kindness to animals : they buy caged birds and set them free and pay but to let go animals meant for slaughter.

2. Just as in some homes paper lanterns are hung on Diwali, on Buddha Purnima Buddhists make Vaisakh Vakats out of bamboo, festoon them with stars and decorate their houses with them. Some people also drape the walls of their homes with paper or cloth depicting incidents from the Jataka tales which are based on incarnations of the Buddha prior to his birth as Prince Gautama.

1.1. Answer the following questions briefly :
(a) Give a suitable title to the passage.
(b) What are the special forms of charity? (Mention any two)
(c) How is Buddha Purnima celebrated in Sri Lanka?
(d) What are the Jataka tales based on?
(e) What do Japanese Buddhists do on Buddha Purnima?
(f) Why are Bodhi trees given special care?

1.2. Is Buddha Purnima only a day of rejoicing? Why not.

1.3. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as the following. (a) a string or chain of flowers. (Para 2)
(b) feeling or showing great joy (Para 6)
(c) A copy or reproduction of a work of art (Para 4)
(d) Something given to help the needy. (Para 1)

2. Read the following poem carefully :
Deep in the night
When all is still
(3) A moon beam climbs the window-sill.
Over your bed
It softly flies
(4) To see if sleep has closed your eyes.
A pinch of gold
Some fairy sand
(9) It clasped within that moonbeam’s hand. And if by chance You’re not asleep
(12) It comes tip-toe on gentle feet. To touch your eyes With golden beams
(15) And take you to the land of dreams.

Complete the summary given below by filling in the missing words in the blanks :
Note – One word in each blank.
During the night, rays of the (a) ____________ slowly come inside your room through the window sill over your (b) ____________. It appears golden in colour and comes to check if you are (c) ____________ or not. In case you are not asleep, it Tip Toes on its feet and touches your (d) ____________. Then you are taken to the world of (e) ____________

3. Read the passage carefully :
1. One day a rich father took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “How was the trip” “Very good, Dad!” “Did you see how poor people can be?, “the father asked, “Yeah” “And what did you learn?”
Answer the questions by choosing the option you consider most appropriate.
(1) Who was poor in the eyes of the boy?
(a) people in the country
(b) he and his father
(c) all other people
(d) their family and friends

(2) According to the story poverty is determined by
(a) how much one has
(b) one’s outlook on life
(c) how much one lacks
(d) one’s view of others

(3) The boy’s father was speechless probably because he
(a) was shocked at what the boy had learnt
(b) felt that the boy had failed to learn a lesson
(c) was surprised to see how wise his son had become
(d) felt ashamed at his own view of poverty (of others)

(4) The author’s purpose in the passage is to show that
(a) children can be wiser than their parents
(b) material possessions make one rich
(c) riches or poverty are a matter of one’s attitude
(d) lack of material possessions makes one poor

(5) The phrase ‘the country’ in the passage means
(a) the country in which the boy and his father live
(b) a rural region and its simple people
(c) the country in which most people were poor
(d) all the inhabitants of a particular country

Science & Technology

Section – A :
1. The force of friction that comes into play, when one body rolls over the surface of another body is known as
(a) Sliding friction
(b) Rolling friction
(c) Static friction
(d) Fluid friction

2. A seismometer helps geologists to
(a) predict when an earthquake is likely to occur
(b) find out the source of seismic waves
(c) predict the focus of the next earthquake
(d) estimate the change in earth’s magnetic field.

3. Vanmahotsava is normally celebrated every year in the month of
(a) March
(b) December
(c) July
(d) January

4. The material used in extraction of metals is
(a) coal
(b) coke
(c) coal tar
(d) coal gas
5. Why are rear wheels of buses and trucks usually double?
6. State the location of the epicentre of an earth quake with respect to its focus.
7. What do you understand by “electromagnetic induction”?
8. Coal is burnt in thermal power plants to generate electricity. Name the two main gases released in this process.
9. Define the term ‘ignition temperature’.
10. Where do we use fuel oil in industries?
11. Name the different types of coal.
12. Write any two ways that can help to check global warming.
13. Sodium when kept in air catches fire spontaneously. How and why does it occur?
14. Write any two characteristics of liquid pressure.
Why do we not feel the large atmospheric pressure acting on us all the time?

15. Why are objects moving with high speed, through fluids, given special shapes? From the following, form two pairs of objects that have some similarity in their shapes : aeroplane, fish, birds, boat

Social Science

Section – A :
1. Which one of the following countries has the highest percentage of forest cover?
(a) Australia
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) China

2. In desert regions, the trees are planted in rows to prevent :
(a) Soil erosion
(b) floods
(c) wind erosion
(d) water erosion

3. Identify the characteristic of mediterranean forests.
(a) They have broad leaves
(b) They have long roots and thick bark
(c) They are very tall in height
(d) They are conical in shape

4. Which one of the following factors is NOT responsible for the extinction of wild animals?
(a) Hunters are penalized harshly (b) Poaching or hunting of wild animals
(c) Trade of animal hides and other body parts.
(d) Large scale Deforestation

5. Which one the following can be called as a major event of the nineteenth century?
(a) Formation of Muslim League
(b) First War of Independence
(c) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
(d) Partition of Bengal

6. In which century did the Modern Period of Indian history begin?
(a) Seventeenth Century
(b) Nineteenth Century
(c) Eighteenth Century
(d) Twentieth Century

7. Which one of the following buildings in Delhi gives us some information about the British Period?
(a) Lotus temple
(b) Rashtrapati Bhawan
(c) Qutab Minar
(d) Raj Ghat

8. India is free to make its own decisions and no other country can dictate its terms and policies to us. This makes India a
(a) republic
(b) socialist state
(c) secular state
(d) sovereign state

9. The matter related to property, marriage and divorce are included in which list?
(a) State list
(b) Union list
(c) Concurrent list
(d) Residuary subjects

10. How many members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every two years?
(a) Two third members
(b) One fourth members
(c) Half of the members
(d) One-third members

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