CE2304 Environmental Engineering Question Bank : dmice.ac.in

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Website : dmice.ac.in
Document type : Question Bank

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DMI Environmental Engineering Question Paper

CE2304  :


PART – A :
1. What are the objectives of water supply system?
2. What is potable water?

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3. State the causes for water pollution?
4. Define per capita demand of water?
5. Explain the various types of variations in demand
6. Mention the types of water demand?
7. List the sources of water supply.
8. What are the domestic needs of water?
9. Mention the reasons for losses and wastage of water? What are the factors affecting losses and wastes.
10. Name the different methods of forecasting methods of population?

11. Name the factors affecting for increase or decrease of population?
12. Define coincident draft.
13. What is logistic curve and how to estimate the future population using logistic curve method?
14. Define spring.
15. What is design period? State its importance in water supply system design?
16. List the Chemical characteristics of water. State the IS standards recommendation for any two?
17. Define BOD?
18. What is a tube well? How is it constructed?
19. Define pH.
20. What is infiltration gallery?

1. Define the term “per capita demand”. Write the factors affecting “per capita demand” and state the reasons for variations in demand.
2. Define design period. What are the factors governing the design period and what are the design period values for different components of a water supply scheme?
3. i) Explain the need for protected water supply.
ii) What is meant by whole some water? What are the requirements of wholesome water?
4. Explain various types of water demands.
5. Explain population forecasting methods.
6. Explain effects of variation in demand on the design capacities of different components of a water supply scheme.
7. Explain population data and population growth.


Conveyance System :
Part – A :
1. Define Intake Structure.
2. What are the classifications of Intake Structure?
3. What are the essential components in the intake structures?
4. List any four factors to be considered for selecting site for a intake structure.
5. What are the canal intakes?
6. Differentiate ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ intake towers.
7. Define conveyance system.
8. What is the difference between gravity and pressure conduits?
9. Define self cleansing velocity.
10. What are the factors to be considered while selecting the materials for pipe?
11. What is the pipe materials used?
12. List the various types of pipes.
13. Name the different pipe joints.
14. Name any two tests to be done after laying and joining two pipes.
15. Define expansion joint.
16. What are the factors be considered for locating a pumping station?
17. List the various components of pumping unit.
18. What are the formulas to be used to find head loss?
19. How to control the corrosion of metal pipes?
20. List the pipe appurtenances.

Part – B :
1. With neat sketches explain wet and dry intake tower to draw water from reservoir.
2. Write short note on the River intake and Reservoir intake.
3. Explain various types of pipe joint in transporting water.
4. Explain in detail about laying and testing of pipes.
5. Explain various types of pressure pipes. Explain the factors to be considered in the selection of pipe material for the water supply transmission mains.
6. Explain the different types of joints are used in cast iron pipes.
7. What is the purpose of hydraulic testing of water supply pipelines? Explain the procedure for the hydraulic pressure testing of water supply pipelines.
8. A town having a population of 2.0 lakhs is to be supplied with water from a reservoir 5 km away. Rate of water supply is 135 lpcd and the entire day demand is to be pumped in 16 hours. What should be the size of the supply main if the head available is 16m.Take CR=100 in Hazen –William formula.
9. Explain the pipe appurtenances.
10. Under what circumstances pumping of water becomes necessary. Discuss about the types of pumps used for pumping water. What are the various factors affecting the selection of a particular type of pump?
11. What is “submerged intake”? Explain it with neat sketch.

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