GE6351 Environmental Science & Engineering Question Bank : dmice.ac.in

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Subject : Environmental Science and Engineering
Website : dmice.ac.in
Document type : Question Bank

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Environmental Science and Engineering
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DMI Environmental Science & Engineering Question Paper


PART – A QUESTION (2 Marks) :


** State the scope and significance of environmental education.
** What is meant by Ecological Successions? Mention its types.
** Define Red data book.

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** What are endangered and endemic species?
** How does biome differ from an ecosystem
** What is biodiversity and what is its significance?
** Define genetic diversity and species diversity.
** India is a mega diversity nation – Account.
** Define the concept of an ecosystem.
** Define the term consumers and producers.
** Mention the types of ecosystem.
** What is hazard?

** What are nutrient cycles?
** Enumerate the human activities which destroy the biodiversity.
** Define the term flora and fauna.
** How does biological hazard enter into the body?
** List out the effect of habitat loss on biodiversity.
** What are the major causes of man-wild life conflicts?
** What is meant by energy flow in an ecosystem?
** Define the term nitrification and denitrification.

PART – B QUESTION (16 Marks) :
1. a) Briefly discuss the structure and functional components of an ecosystem.
b) What are the major threats to biodiversity? Explain
2. a) Write notes on hot spots of biodiversity in India
b) Discuss the strategies for the conservation of biodiversity.
3. a) Describe the structure and functions of forest ecosystem.
b) Describe the Oxygen cycle with a neat diagram.
4. a) Explain the role of biodiversity at global, national and local levels.
b) Discuss the endangered and endemic species of India.
5. Describe briefly about the structure and functions of an aquatic ecosystem
6. a) Explain in detail about the producers , consumer and decomposer categories of
living organisms.
b) Describe briefly about the nitrogen cycle.
7. a) What are the various types of hazards? Explain their health effects.
b) Describe the energy flow in the ecosystem.
8. a) Describe the structure and functions of Grassland ecosystem.
b) Explain the values of biodiversity in detail.
9. a) Discuss the status India- as a mega diversity nation.
b) Explain the strategy of man – wild life conflict.
10. a) Explain the structure and functions of a desert ecosystem.
b) Explain the biogeographical classification of India.


PART – A QUESTION (2 Marks) :
** What are the sources and effects of marine pollution?
** Define hazardous wastes.
** Differentiate between recycling and reuse.
** Define photochemical smog.
** When a sound does cause noise pollution?
** Mention the methods to control noise pollution.
** What do you understand by soil pollution?
** State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
** What is meant by BOD and COD?
** Mention the sources of solid wastes.
** What is acid rain (or) acid precipitation?
** Differentiate between pollution prevention and pollution control.
** What are the objectives of waste water treatment?
** What is meant by non-point pollution?
** Give examples for primary and secondary air pollutants.
** How does acid rain form? Write its environmental impacts.
** What are point sources and non – point sources of water pollution?
** How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely?
** Give examples for primary and secondary air pollutants?
** Name the sources and effects of marine pollution.

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