EC2304 Microprocessor And Microcontroller B.E Question Bank : dmice.ac.in

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code/ Name : EC2304 – Microprocessor And Microcontroller
Degree : B.E
Website : dmice.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

Microprocessor And Microcontroller : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dmice.ac.in/1736-EC2304.docx

DMI Micro Processor & Micro Controller Question Paper

Unit – I

** What is the function of the accumulator?
** What is a flag?
** Define machine cycle?
** Why is the data bus bi-directional?

Related : DMI College OF Engineering EC6304 Electronic Circuits B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/1715.html

** What is an Assembler?
** Define microprocessors?
** What is pipelined architecture?
** Write the flags of 8086
** Write down the control and status signals?
** Define T-state?
** What is interrupt?
** What are different data transfer schemes?

** What is DMA?
** Define pipelining.
** Define Victim cache?
** Define trace cache?
** What is the function of BIU and EU?
** What are different register sets?
** Describe HOLD and HLDA pins.
** What is interfacing?

** Explain the internal hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with pin diagram.
** Explain memory addressing
** Explain NMI and MI.
(i)Explain bus cycle for memory or I/O read for minimum mode.
(ii) Explain bus cycle for memory or I/O write for minimum mode.
** Explain Memory Interfacing
(i)Write briefly about the Direct Memory Access.
(ii) Explain the external memory addressing in 8086.
(i)Discuss the interrupts types of 8086 microprocessor.
(ii) Discuss Memory mapped I/O and Interrupt Mapped I/O.
** Draw and explain Bus cycles for Read and Write Operation for Maximum Mode.
** Explain register indirect addressing mode and register relative addressing mode.

Unit – II

** Give example of register addressing mode.
** Define opcode and operand.
** What are the different Addresing Modes?
** Explain the few Assembler directives in 8086?
** Explain the data transfer group and logical group in 8086 insturction?
** Explain the relative addressing modes and string addressing modes in 8086?
** Explain Arithmatic group 8086 insturction.
** Explain the Index addressing modes and register addressing modes in 8086.
** List any four program control instructions available in 8086?
** What are the 8086 instructions used for BCD arithmetic?
** Explain operand types?
** What is the purpose of BX and CX register?
** What is the purpose of source index and destination index?
** What are assembler directives?
** Explain OFFSET LABEL.
** Explain PROC and ENDP.
** Draw the format of instruction set?
** Explain segment register to register operation.
** Explain immediate data to accumulator operation.
** Explain CBW and CWD.

** Explain the assembler directives ASSUME, EQU,DW, and EVEN with suitable examples.
** Explain the data transfer group of 8086 instructions.
** Explain with diagram Base plus index register relative addressing mode and Base plus index register addressing mode.
** Write an 8086 ALP to find the largest element in array elements
** Write an 8086 ALP to sort the array of elements in ascending order
(i)Explain register indirect addressing mode.
(ii) Explain control transfer group with example
** Explain string addressing mode.
** Explain with example assemble directives give 8 examples.
** Explain the logical group of 8086 instruction.
** Explain arithmetic group with example.
** Explain how PWM and PPM signals are generated.
** Classify channels. Explain the mathematical model of any two communication channels.
** Draw a neat block diagram of a typical digital communication system and explain the function of the key signal processing blocks.
** Distinguish between base band and band pass signaling.
** Explain Binary symmetric channel and Gaussian channel with their mathematical models.
** Derive Geometrical representation of signal.
** Explain the procedure for obtaining from the basis set.
** Explain the mathematical models of communication channel.
** Explain the concept of PWM and PAM.
** Obtain the orthonormal basis function for the set of waveforms using GSOP.

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