HS6151 Technical English B.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Technical English
Website : valliammai.co.in
Document Type : Question Bank
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Semester : I
Degree : B.E

Question Bank : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/valliammai.co.in/1730-Technical%20English.pdf

Valliammai Technical English Question Paper

Unit – I

1. Match the ideas given below with the options provided and complete the sentence.
The behaviour of earth quake is the evidence to show that
i. The outer layer is not semi-solid.
ii. The interior of the earth is not solid.
iii. The interior layer consists of compressed rock.
iv. Earth quakes can be controlled.

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2. Complete the sentence by matching the ideas given below with the options provided.
The progress in the field of Chemistry has helped in
i. The development of many types of industries.
ii. The progress of space research
iii. The innovations in the communication field.
iv. The increase of computers.

3. Use the appropriate option and complete the sentence.
i. India and Russia build BrahMos missiles on ———-
a) Working separately
b) Working abroad
c) Collaboration
d) Working in native country

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
The waste heat ——- power plants is cooled ———– two reasons, to comply ——— thermal pollution regulations and to gain greater efficacy. This will be useful ——— environmental protection.

5. Supply suitable prepositions in the blanks provided. One of the important benefits ——— machine civilization is that our standard of life has improved. There is much more variety ——- our lives. We have a wide choice of everything —– wrist watches to flash lights. Food from any part of the world can be obtained ——- any season of the year.
6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
i) The apartment consists ——– three bed rooms, a kitchen and two bath rooms.
ii) The accident took place because of my fault. So I had to pay —– the damage.
iii) It is terrible that some people are dying ——- hunger while others eat too much.
iv) You know that you depend ———- me whenever you need help.
7. Frame WH questions.
i) Oppenheimer was born in New York.
ii) Sixty students visited the company.
iii) She was reading the book for three hours.
8. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
i) A decade ago, the most vehement opposition to computerization ——– (come) from people who ——- (believe) that it ——— (lead) to unemployment. There ——— (be) a hue and cry over this.
ii) VAT system at the state level ——- (be) a better system than that we ———- (have) before April 1, 2005. The white paper rightly ————- (point out) VAT ——- (be) indeed a move towards more efficiency, equal competition and fairness in the taxation system.
iii) Environmental protection ——— (become) a major movement the world over. Many activists —— (make) it a life time mission. All over the world, there ———- (be) major movements to clean the world’s environment by growing more forests, controlling chemical pollution and creating awareness. Governments the world over ——- (work) towards, creating better laws and an institutional frame work for a cleaner environment.
iv) Rajesh ——— (work) as a farmer in a village near Salem till June 1990. In July, 1990, he —- —- (change) his profession. After the change he ——— (migrate) to Chennai and by hard work he became rich. At present, he —— (be) the owner of two factories in the city.
9. Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B.
1. Appropriate – (a) a view of the landscape
2. Disease – (b) a method of printing
3. Offset – (c) illness
4. Panorama – (d) suitable
10. A B
1. Array – (a) metallic element
2. Uranium – (b) sphere
3. Globe – (c) order
4. Impediment – (d) hindrance
11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of words.
Verb Noun Adjective
——- Comfort Comfortable
Compel ——- compulsive
Conclude Conclusion ——
Continue —— Continual
12. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of words.
Noun Verbs
1. Allotment ———-
2. Advice ———–
3. Depth ———–
4. Information ———–
13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of words.
Noun Person Concerned Adjective
Environment —– —–
—– —– Ecological
—– Conservationist —–
Nature —– —–
14. Form words using the following affixes and suffixes.
1. Multi——
2. Proto——
3. –sion –
4. Port——
15. Form words using the following affixes and suffixes.
1. Geo——
2. Tang——
3. hect——
4. –ible –

Unit – II

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow it.
Considering the enormous number of things which could turn a space mission into a fatal disaster, it is remarkable that there have been so few accidents. 1967 was a bad year; in January, the Americans lost three astronauts in a fire which occurred during tests on the ground and, in April, the Russians lost astronaut Komarov landing after sixteen successful earth orbits. The accident was due to a parachute failure. Neither of these tragedies was quite what the world had expected. It was feared that one day astronauts would be stranded in space, alive but with no possibility of returning to earth. This very nearly happened in 1970 during the flight of Apollo I 3.

The life-support and other systems of spacecraft are interlinked. This means that if one system fails it is likely to cause other systems to fail too. Designers have tried to avoid disasters by duplicating, and in some cases triplicating, important pieces of equipment; for example, Apollo has no less than three fuel cells. Even so, a breakdown in the service module of Apollo 13 was nearly fatal. On 13th April one of the low temperature oxygen tanks in the service module suddenly broke open; the explosion probably damaged the other oxygen tank close beside it. The exact reason for the explosion may never be known. The important point to note is that the oxygen from these tanks is not only used by the crew but also feeds the fuel cells and fuel cells produce electrical power and water. So, one failure immediately caused a major power failure affecting nearly every system in the command module and produced a shortage of oxygen and water for life-support. The safe return of the astronauts was due to their ingenuity and powers of improvisation. They managed to adapt their equipment. They were able to use it for different purposes from those for which it had been originally intended.

Intelligence and the ability to use limited resources for self-preservation have always been admired by writers of adventure book. The shipwrecked sailor who converts bits of wreckage into a raft and an explorer who makes a bow and arrow from branches and bootlaces are considered heroes because they survive by their own wits. Many people thought that the advanced technology of space flight ruled out all opportunities for makeshift repairs, but Apollo 13 proved them wrong. Luckily, at the time of the accident, the lunar module was still joined to the command and service modules and the lunar module had most of the things urgently needed by the disabled modules. The spacecraft was not on a free return trajectory, one which would bring it round the moon back to earth, and rocket power was needed to bring it into such a trajectory. Without a proper power supply, the rocket of the service module could not be fired; the rocket of the lunar module had to be used instead. Inside this module there was a supply of oxygen, water and power, and a guidance system. Though it was designed for a crew of two for only about thirty hours, and intended for landing on the moon, this vehicle became the lifeboat of Apollo 13.

Life for the three crew members was difficult but bearable. A lunar module cannot re-enter the earth’s atmosphere without burning up, so the crew had to return to the command module, jettison their lifeboat and the service module, and turn themselves into the right positions for reentry, hoping that their heat-shield had not been damaged by the explosion of the oxygen tank. Re-entry and recovery were totally successful.

(a) Write the response which best reflects the meaning of the text.
i. 1967 was
1. A good year for the Russians and Americans.
2. A good year for the Americans but not for the Russians.
3. A bad year for the Americans and the Russians.
4. A bad year for the Americans but not for the Russians.
ii. Why was the breakdown of the oxygen supply so important?
1. Because it could cause an explosion.
2. Because they could not fire their rocket without it.
3. Because they never found out the reason for it.
4. Because it affected all the systems in the module.
iii. The astronauts survived because
1. The command module was not very badly damaged.
2. The lunar module was intended as a lifeboat.
3. They managed to improvise.
4. They had read a lot of adventure stories.
iv. How did the astronauts get back into the atmosphere from space?
1. By using a parachute.
2. By going back into the command module.
3. By staying in the service module.
4. By burning the lunar module.
(b) State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
i. The Americans lost an astronaut when his parachute did not open.
ii. People expected that someday astronauts would be left in space.
iii. Makeshift repairs are impossible in space.
iv. The spacecraft was on a trajectory which would have brought in back to earth.
v. Life for the astronauts in Apollo 13 was unbearable.
vi. The heat-shield of the command module had been damaged by the explosion.


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