CE2401 Design of Reinforced Concrete and Brick Masonry B.E Question Bank : valliammai.co.in

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Design of Reinforced Concrete and Brick Masonry
Website : valliammai.co.in
Document Type : Question Bank
Department : Civil Engineering
Semester : 7
Degree : B.E

Question Bank : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/valliammai.co.in/1703-Design%20of%20Reinforced%20Concrete%20and%20Brick%20Masonry.pdf

Valliammai Design of Reinforced Concrete Question Paper



1. What is a Retaining wall?
2. What are the disadvantages of gravity retaining walls?
3. What are the types of retaining walls?

Related : Valliammai Engineering College CE2404 Prestressed Concrete Structures B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/1714.html

4. What is a cantilever retaining wall?
5. What is a counter fort retaining wall?
6. What are the forces acting on a retaining wall?
7. Define Active Earth pressure?
8. Define Passive earth pressure?
9. Give the criteria for the design of gravity retaining wall?

10. What are the stability conditions should be checked for the retaining walls?
11. Give the minimum factor of safety for the stability of a retaining wall?
12. If a retaining wall of 5 m high is restrained from yielding, what will be the total earth pressure at rest per metre length of wall?
13. A cantilever retaining wall of 7 metre height retains sand. The properties of the sand are ?d= 17.66KN/m3 and ?sat = 29.92 KN/m3 f = 30°. using Rankine’s theory determine active earth pressure at the base when the backfill is (i) Dry, (ii) Saturated and (iii) Submerged
14. What is meant by backfill?
15. What is meant by surcharge?
16. What is a gravity retaining wall?
17. What is meant by submerged backfill?
18. What is the function of counterforts in a retaining wall?
19. What is meant by back anchoring of retaining wall?
20. When is the design of shear key necessary?
21. Draw the deflected shape of Cantilever retaining wall?
1. Design a Cantilever retaining wall to retain 5m of horizontal backfill.
The Density of the soil is 17kN/m2
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=165kN/m2
Angle of internal Friction of Soil=25o
The Coefficient of friction between base slab and concrete=0.55
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel.
2. Design a cantilever retaining wall for the following data:
Height of the wall above ground=4m
Depth of foundation=1.5m
Unit weight of earthfill=17kN/m3
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=130kN/m2
Angle of internal Friction of Soil=20o
The Coefficient of friction between base slab and concrete=0.45
3. Design a cantilever retaining wall to retain earth embankment 3m high above the ground level. The unit weight of earth is 18kN/m3 and its angle of repose is 30o, safe bearing capacity of soil is 100 kN/m2 and the coefficient of friction between soil and concrete is 0.5.Adopt M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel.
4. A cantilever retaining wall has 4.5m high wall from the top of the base slab and retains earth with an inclined fill(20o to the horizontal). Density of the soil retained is 15kN/m3 and its angle of repose is 30o. Design the base section of the wall for flexure.
5. A couterfort retaining wall 5m high above foundation level supports earth with horizontal fill.
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=200kN/m2
Angle of internal Friction of Soil=30o
The Coefficient of friction between base slab and concrete=0.5
Unit weight of backfill is 16kN/m3.
Determine suitable dimension of base slab for following stability considerations.
6. Design a T shaped cantilever retaining wall for the following data.
Height of the wall above ground 3.5m
Depth of foundation 1.3m
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=140kN/m2
Angle of internal Friction of Soil=25o
The Coefficient of friction between base slab and concrete=0.44
Unit weight of earthfill is 18kN/m3.
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
7. Explain the methods of designing shear key in a retaining wall
8. Design a R.C.C. cantilever retaining wall to retain the leveled earth embankment 5m high above the ground level.
The unit weight of earth is 17kN/m3 Angle of repose is 30o.
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=200kN/m2
The Coefficient of friction between base slab and concrete=0.55
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
9. a) What are the design principles involved in the different components of counterfort retaining wall.
b) Write down the steps involved in the design of counterfort retaining wall.
10. Design stem and counterfort portion of a retaining wall for the following data.
Height of the wall = 8.7m
Density of soil = 18kN/m3
Spacing of counterfort = 3.5m
Angle of internal friction of soil = 30o.
Safe Bearing Capacity of the Soil=170kN/m2
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
Sketch the reinforcement details. Stability check is not necessary.
11. Design a counterfort retaining wall to retain earth 5m above ground level. The unit weight of earth is 16kN/m3 and its angle of repose is 30o, safe bearing capacity of soil is 125kN/m2. Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
12. A counterfort retaining wall retains earth( top level horizontal) to a height of 6m above GL and the SBC of soil at 1m below GL is 200kN/m2. Density and angle of repose of soil is 16kN/m3 and 30o respectively. Co-efficient of friction between concrete and soil is 0.6. Assuming the thickness of the stem, base slab and counterfort as 300mm throughout and spacing of counterfort is 3m centre to centre. Calculate the base dimensions for stability considerations. 13. A counterfort retaining wall has a total height of 10m from foundation level. The backfill has a horizontal top. The density and angle of internal friction of soil are 19kN/m3 and 36o respectively. Base slab width and thickness are 6.5m and 380mm respectively. Toe width from the face of wall is 700mm. Thickness of wall is 260mm. The counterforts are spaced at 3m centre to centre thickness of counterfort is 300mm. Calculate the pressure under the base and design the toe slab.


1. Mention the grade of concrete which is used in the construction of water tank.
2. Mention the three factors that must be considered while designing a RCC tank.
3. Water are the types of reinforced concrete water tanks?
4. Mention the reinforcement details that should be provided in a water tanks.
5. Define the following term: Dome:
6. Define the following terms:
7. Define the following terms:
8. Mention the thickness and steel requirement of dome.
9. What are the three types of joints in water tank?
10. Find out the diameter of a circular tank which is having a flexible base for capacity of 200000 liters. The depth of water is to be 4m, including a free board of 200mm.
11. What is the foundation specification for small capacity tanks?
12. What are the methods available for the analysis of circular tank?
13. What are movement joints in water tanks?
14. What is contraction joint in water tanks?
15. What is meant by expansion joint in water tanks?
16. What are underground water tanks?
17. What are conditions under which the walls of underground water tanks designed?
18. What are the four components of design of underground water tanks?
19. What are two methods of analysis of rectangular tanks?
20. Where are domes used?

Categories: Civil Engineering

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