mpbse.nic.in Class XII Sociology Questions Model : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Subject : Class Xll Sociology
Website : mpbse.nic.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Set-1 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/160-SET1.PDF
Set-2 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/160-SET2.PDF

MPBSE Class XII Sociology Model Questions

Time 3 Hours
Maximum Mark – 100

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class XII History Questions Model : www.pdfquestion.in/157.html


i. All question are compulsory.
ii. Please the instructions carefully before writing the answer.
iii. Q. No. 1 to 5 are objective type which contain fill up the Blank, True/False, match the column, one sentence answer and choose the correct answers. Each question is allotted 5 marks. 1×1 = 5×5 =25 Marks.

iv. Internal options are given in Q. No. 6 to 24.
v. Q. No. 6 to 10 carry 2 marks each and answer should be given in about 30 words.
vi. Q. No. 11 to 17 carry 4 marks each and answer should be given in about 75 words.
vii. Q. No. 18 to 22 carry 5 marks each and answer should be given in about 120 words.
viii. Q. No. 23 and 24 carry 6 marks each and answer should be given in about 150 words.

Set – I

1. Fill in the blanks of following :
1.The name of our country Bharat in on the name of great empear……….
2.The National Education policy in India was passed in the year…………
3.As per the cenrus of 2001 in India the papulation of scheduled tribes were………
4.In India’s eartern narthern states the followes of…………religion are called majority.
5.In Independent India Hindu act was passed in the year………….

2.Choose the correct option :
1. The New constitution of India was applied :
(a) From year 1947
(b) From year 1950
(c) From year 1951
(d) From year 1952

2. To study Indian society which author has explained the four approaches :
(a) M.N. Shriniwas
(b) Mekin Mariat
(c) S.C. Dubey
(d) Yogendra Singh

3. The name of the writer of the book Caste and Class in India :
(a) G.S. Ghurye
(b) K.M. Kahadia
(c) D.P. Mukerjee
(d) S.C. Dubey

4. Among the following which one is not a feature of industrial society :
(a) Development of handicraft
(b) Production of large scale
(c) Tendercy of personal profit
(d) Use of new technology.

5. In which year the 10th five years plan completed :
(a) year 200
(b) year 2006
(c) year 2005
(d) year 2008

3.Match the following :
1. Martin Luthar : Buddha religion
2. Arjun Dev : Jain religion
3. Siddhartha : Guru Granth Saheb
4. Jejus christ : Christion religion
5. Vardhaman Mahaveer : New Testament

4. Answer the following questions in one word :
1. Write the name of the writer of the book “Social Change in Morem India?
2. What is the name of the writer of the book Modermization of Indian Tradition?
3. Who was the founder of Arya Samaj?
4. In which category include facilities like as fax, Internet and Telephone?
5. Which means of ENTERTAINMENT is most popular for family?

5. Say True or False of the following :
1.The process of land reform started in the year 1935 in India.
2.The process of Libaralization started by the ex-prime minister Narsimha Rao in India.
3.National seed carporation was established 1974 year in India-
4.The new middle class arised due to the reslut of land reform in rural community.
5.Urbanization is not possible with out industrialization.

Set – II

Fill in the blanks.
(i) The Hindu pligrimages…………is situated in the east at India.
(ii) The most densety populated area is………..plain.
(iii) The first National population plane is declared in the year……..
(iv) The…………….five years plance complete in March 2007 in India.
(v) The social reform in middle Era is called …………movement.

Select and write the correct answer.
(a) In which of the following state in India the population persent of tribes more –
(i) Madhya Pradesh
(ii) Chattisgharh
(iii) Nagaland
(iv) Bihar

(b) From which year the 27% reservation applied for other Backward class in India –
(i) Year 1991
(ii) Year 1992
(iii) Year 1993
(iv) Year 1994

(c) Which of the following minority class in India found the past (disgnation) of president first –
(i) Dr. Zaki Hussain
(ii) Gyani Jail Singh
(iii) Fakharuddin Ali Ahamed
(iv) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

(d) The name at the Auhar at the book “caste and class in India”.
(i) G.S. Ghurye
(ii) K.M. Kapadiya
(iii) Dr. Bhagwan Das
(iv) D.P. Mukarjee

(e) In the following the Nameati Authar of the book cultural mobility –
(i) A.M. Shah
(ii) Sorokin
(iii) T.N. Madan
(iv) Andre Bitei

Answer the following in true or false.
(i) The process of modernization is limited only Urban areas in Indian Society.
(ii) Urbanism is a special method of life.
(iii) Westernization is a stable process.
(iv) The relation of Sanskritization is to explain the changes of social structure.
(v) Rise of new middle class is the result of Indus trialization and Modernization.

Write the Answer in one sentence each.
1. The people who started farming on the large part of land through new technology by which name these changes are known?
2. Which priminister started the process of liberalization in India?
3. Who started the JAMIDARI system during British Government.
4. Which class of society is getting more facilities of Education by the government at present.
5. When there is a change in thoughts of people cultural values beliefs technology in any society then by which name these changes are known?

Make the correct pair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’
A – B
(a) Iravati Karve – Social labour division
(b) Muslim Marriage – Preferred Marriage
(c) Morgantically – Social Compromise
(d) Joint Family – Kinship system in India
(e) Tribal Marriage – Husband’s High Social Status to comparison with wife.

Categories: Sociology
Tags: mpbse.nic.in
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