MPBSE Social Science Model Questions : Madhya Pradesh SSLC/ Tenth/ 10th Std

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Subject : Class X Social Science
Website : mpbse.nic.in
Document Type : Model Questions

Downloads :
Set-1 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/152-SET1.PDF
Set-2 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/152-SET2.PDF
Set-3 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/152-SET3.PDF
Set-4 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/152-SET4.PDF

MPBSE Class X Social Science Model Questions

Time 3 Hours
Maximum Mark – 100

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Model Question Paper Science : www.pdfquestion.in/149.html


i. All question are compulsory.
ii. Please the instructions carefully before writing the answer.
iii. Q. No. 1 to 5 are objective type which contain fill up the Blank, True/False, match the column, one sentence answer and choose the correct answers. Each question is allotted 5 marks. 1×1 = 5×5 =25 Marks.

iv. Internal options are given in Q. No. 6 to 24.
v. Q. No. 6 to 10 carry 2 marks each and answer should be given in about 30 words.
vi. Q. No. 11 to 17 carry 4 marks each and answer should be given in about 75 words.
vii. Q. No. 18 to 22 carry 5 marks each and answer should be given in about 120 words.
viii. Q. No. 23 and 24 carry 6 marks each and answer should be given in about 150 words.

Set – I

1.Choose correct option :
(a) Economic help for Social forestry scheme is obtained from :
(i) State government
(ii) World Bank
(iii) Forest department
(iv) Central government

(b) Which factor does not help in formation of the soil :
(i) Wind and water
(ii) Water accumulation
(iii) Temperature
(iv) Decompsed plants

(c) What is the basis for calculating per capita income of a country :
(i) Country’s Population
(ii) World Population
(iii) State’s Population
(iv) Another Country’s Population

(d) When did the Constitution of India come into force :
(i) 26th January 1948
(ii) 26th January 1950
(iii) 26th January 1930
(iv) 15th August 1947

(e) In which state of India is Tata Iron and Steel located :
(i) Uttar Pradesh
(ii) Punjab
(iii) Jharkhand
(iv) Rajasthan

2.Fill in the blanks :
(i) The gradual increase in the prices of commodities called…………..
(ii) Jammu and Kashmir has been given Special status in the …………. article of Indian constitution.
(iii) The Judges of supreme court can work up to the age of……………. years on their post.
(iv) The two houses of parliament are………….. and…………..
(v) A family having…………..Child is considered as Ideal in China.

3. Answer in one sentence :
(i) Hall Mark ensures guality of which products-
(ii) In which year the right to information was made by the govt. of India.
(iii) By which name of consumer protection act is known.
(iv) What is India’s Position in the world in terms of population.
(v) Which British officer credited for the establishment of Indian National Congress.

4. State True of False :
1. Education and health are the parts of social infra structure.
2. The service sector is the secondary sector of economy.
3. Golden Quadrilateral is related to agriculture.
4. J.S. Mill has considered Co operatives to be a measure of Economic Developement
5. In India Communication services was started in 1837.

Set – II

Write True/False
1. Fax is a means of sending and receiving within message.
2. The intensity and effect of earthquake is measured on the Richter Scale.
3. Nana Sahab was adopted son of Bajirao Peshwa II.
4. Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla was the Chairman of Constituent Assembly.
5. In a Mixed Economy there is unlimited personal freedom.

Answer each of the following in on Sentence :-
(i) In which year non cooperation movement was started.
(ii) Which International Organisation has prepared the Human Developement Index?
(iii) When was the Indian Planning Commission constituted
(iv) What is attested using a Hallmark?
(v) Which is the most tangled problem between India and Pakistan?

Choose the correct option.
(a) How many subjects of National importance are included in Union List –
(i) 97
(ii) 67
(iii) 47
(iv) 37

(b) The Second House of Parliament is known as –
(i) Rajya Sabha
(ii) Vidhan Sabha
(iii) Lok Sabha
(iv) High Court

(c) Appointment of Prime Minister is made by –
(i) The Chief Minister
(ii) The Judges of High Court
(iii) The President
(iv) The Governor

(d) Which Indian Leader had started a campaign for prohibition of liquor –
(i) Mahatma Gandhi
(ii) Vinoba Bhave
(iii) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(iv) Jawaharlal Nehru

(e) The Economic Planning in India started:-
(i) 1st April 1948
(ii) 1st April 1949
(iii) 1st April 1951
(iv) 1st April 1955

Make the correct pair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’.
A – B
(a) Transport and Communication – Increase in Standard of living
(b) United Telecom – Primary
(c) Fish culture – Tertiary Sector
(d) Customer Awareness – Nepal
(e) Standardization – Bureau of Indian Standard

Set – III

Choose the correct option –
(a) Blue revolution is related to –
(i) Fruit Production
(ii) Fish Production
(iii) Sheep Rearing
(iv) Milk Production

(b) Which one of the following is a biological disaster –
(i) Bomb Explosion
(ii) Volcano
(iii) Bird Flue
(iv) Tsunami

(c) Congress was divided in –
(i) Surat Session
(ii) Nagpur Session
(iii) Lahore Session
(iv) Bombay Session

(d) The Governor of Punjab O Dyre was shot dead by –
(i) Bhagat Singh
(ii) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(iii) Udham Singh
(iv) Mangal Pandey

(e) Who started the Prohibition Movement against liquor consumption –
(i) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(ii) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(iii) Swami Vivekanand
(iv) Mahatma Gandhi

Fill in the blanks.
(i) Ghana Bird sanctuary is located in…………….State.
(ii) The leading centre of Cotton textile Industry of India is…………….
(iii) In 1875 in Aligarh Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College was established
(iv) Economy is divided in to…………..sectors.
(v) ………………… is elected out of the members of Lok Sabha in Lok Sabha.

Make the correct pair for column ‘A’ choosing from column ‘B’.
A – B
(a) Indias Policy – Economic Welfare
(b) Transport & Communication – Primary Sector
(c) Amartya Sen – Nepal
(d) Fishries – Peaceful Coexistence
(e) United Telecom – Tertiary Sector

Write the answer in one word.
(i) How many plans have been implemented under Economic Planning in India?
(ii) To which sector does Services Sector belong in an Economy?
(iii) Who is the actual head of the executive of the State?
(iv) Which is the place of India in the World with respect to population?
(v) What basis of development has considered by Prof. Amartya Sen?

Categories: Social Science
Tags: mpbse.nic.in
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