MPBSE Class X Science Model Questions : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education

Name of the Board : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
Subject : Class X Science
Website : mpbse.nic.in
Document Type : Model Questions

Downloads :
Set-1 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/149-SET1.PDF
Set-2 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/149-SET2.PDF
Set-3 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/149-SET3.PDF
Set-4 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/149-SET4.PDF

MPBSE Class X Science Model Questions

Time 3 Hours
Maximum Mark – 100

Related : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Class X Mathematics Model Questions : www.pdfquestion.in/134.html


1. All questions are compulsory.
2. There are two section – section A, Section B. Section A has all the questions of objective type. Write answer of these questions on first page of your answer book.
3. Internal options are given in Q. No. 5 to 18 in section-B.
4. Draw neat and clean labelled diagrams wherever required.
5. Marks allotted to each question are mentioned against the question.

Set – I

Q1. Select the correct option from the option given in each subquestion :
1. The organic acid present in vinegar is :
a. Acetic acid
b. Citric acid
c. Tartaric acid
d. Formic acid

2. Lens used in short sightedness :
a. Convex
b. Concave
c. Simple
d. All

3. Measurement of resistance is done by :
a. Watt
b. Volt
c. Ampere
d. Ohm

4. Feeds on micro organism :
a. Red blood corpuscles
b. White blood corpuscles
c. Thrombocytes
d. Platelets

5. In which planet found ring system :
a. Mars
b. Mercury
c. Saturn
d. Uranus

Q.2. Fill in the blanks :
1. The nearest planet of sun is ______________.
2. In haemoglobin element ___________ is found.
3. ________ are producers.
4. Property of catenation found in __________.
5. Formation of urea take place in _________.

Q.3 Match the columns :
A :
1. L.P.G.
2. Fish
3. Male gamete
4. Alloy
5. Sirisus

B :
1. Sperm
2. Brass
3. Biggest asteroid
4. Gills
5. Liquid butane

Q.4 Answer in one sentence :
1. How many chambers are found in human heart.
2. Write the name of liquid metal.
3. What is the full form of P.V.C.
4. What is unit of sound.
5. What is the shape of our Galaxy.

Set – II

Q.1 Fill in the blanks –
1. _________ used in correction of Myopia or short sightedness.
2. SI unit of electric potential is _________.
3. _______ planet appears to be red colour.
4. Heating of concentrated ore in the absence of air is called ______.
5. Polymer of polythene is ________.

Q.2 Choose the correct match from Column ‘B’ from Column ‘A’ –
1. Plaster of Paris (i) Vitamin C
2. Titanium (ii) Polyvinyl chloride
3. PVC (iii) Phloem
4. Translocation of food in plants (iv) CaSo4 : 2H2O
5. Amla (v) Strategic metal

Q.3 Choose the correct alternatives –
1. Ozone layer protects the earth from –
a. Infrared rays
b. Ultraviolet rays
c. Light
d. Heat

2. Bauxite is ore of –
a. Aluminium
b. Iron
c. Magnese
d. Copper

3. The device which produces electric current is known –
a. Galvanometer
b. Ammeter
c. Generator
d. Meter

4. The power house of cell is called –
a. Ribosome
b. Golgibody
c. Cytoplasm
d. Mitochondria

5. The father of Genetics is called –
a. Mendal
b. Lemark
c. Darwin
d. Charak

Q.4 Write the answer in one word each –
1. Write the name of comet which is seen after every 76 years.
2. Write the name of hormone secreated by Pancreas.
3. Solar cell converts solar energy into which energy.
4. What is the shape of our Galaxy.
5. Write the name of disease caused by the deficiency of blood.

Set – III

Q.1 Choose the correct answer –
1. Which lenses used for near sightness –
a. Convex lens
b. Concave lens
c. Simple lens
d. All the above

2. The unit of Resistance –
a. Watt
b. Volt
c. Ampere
d. Ohm

3. Metal kept in Kerosine oil –
a. Gold
b. Magnesium
c. Sodium
d. Alluminium

4. The product formed in the glycolysis –
a. Glucose
b. CO2
c. Pyruvie Acid
d. Alcohol

5. The plant used for treatment of cough and female disease –
a. Katha
b. Baheda
c. Ashwagandha
d. Adusa

Q.2 Fill in the blanks –
1. The first planet of Jovien _______.
2. Strong smell of ______ gas is mixed to know the leakage of LPG gas.
3. The non metal which is _____ heat and light.
4. Digestion of food occure in ______.
5. The formula of chlorofloro carbon is ________.

Q.3 Match the columne –
Column A Column B
1. Show magnetic effect of electric (i) Pheramon current
2. Those reaction which evolve heat (ii) Ethanoic Acid
3. CH3COOH (iii) Exothermic
4. Xylem (iv) Generator
5. Insect attracting hormone (v) Water transportation /circulation in plant

Q.4 Give the answer in one sentence –
1. Give reason why gold and silver are found in free state in nature. 5
2. Ingestion of food takes place in Amoeba through which method.
3. What do you mean by serum.
4. Which organ controls the function of reflex action.
5. Due to which effect earth’s temperature is rising ?

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