EI1011 Biomedical Instrumentation Model Question Bank : kings.ac.in

Name of the College : Kings College Of Engineering
Department : Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Subject : Bio-Medical Instrumentation
Website : kings.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Kings Bio-Medical Instrumentation Question Paper

Unit – I

Physiology And Transducers :
Part – A :
1. Distinguish Absolute and Refractory Period?.
2. What is the function of Cell?
3. What are resting and action potentials?.
4. What are the applications of piezo electric sensors?

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5. What are the different thermal sensors?
6. Give the names of the different systems in our body.
7. State the Principle of the sodium Pump.
8. What is meant by CNS and PNS?
9. What are the different ways of transport of ions through the cell membrane?
10. Define neuron and Nerve fiber.
11. Name some transducers that can be used for blood flow measurement(Aortic and venous)
12. What are active and passive transducers?

PART – B :
1. (i) With relevant graph explain the relationship between the action potential and Muscle contraction. (8)
(ii) Explain in detail how pulsatile blood volume changes can be measured using Photoelectric type resistive transducer. (8)
2. Explain with neat sketch anatomy and conducting system of heart. Also discuss cardio vascular circulating system with block diagram. (16)
3. Explain with neat sketch anatomy and physiology of central nervous and peripheral nervous system. (16)
4. (i) Draw diagrams illustrating the process of respiration and circulation. (8)
(ii)Draw the diagram and equivalent circuit of a differential capacitance pressure transducer and briefly explain its operation. (8)
5. (i)Describe the generation and features of action potential and Resting Potential. (8)
(ii) What are the requirements of a good physiological transducer and explain the operation of any two types of physiological transducers with relevant sketches? (8)
6. Draw the structure of a living cell of our body and explain in its constituents detail. (16)
7. (i)Explain the working of Piezoelectric transducer as arterial pressure sensor. (8)
(ii) Explain how Piezo electric transducer produces Ultrasonic waves. (8)
8.Write short notes on :
(i)Strain guage type chest transducer (8)
(ii)Transducer as respiration sensor (8)

Unit – II

Electro – Physiological Measurements :
Part – A :
1. Define half cell potential.
2. What are the salient features of needle electrodes.
3. Give the origin of brain waves
4. Explain the special features of isolation amplifier.
5. Define EEG and EMG?.
6. Define ECG and ERG?
7. Define Einthoven Triangle?
8. List any four types of surface electrodes.
9. Name the different types of electrodes used for a Bio-medical instrumentation system.
10. What is the frequency range of ECG,EEG and EMG waves.
11. What are the advantages of chopper amplifier.
12. Define latency
13. Distinguish between metallic microelectrode and Non metallic microelectrode
14. State the requirements of Physiological amplifiers.
15. What are Microelectrodes.

Part – B :
1. (i)How a metal micro electrode is formed? Draw its electrical equivalent circuit and explain. (8)
(ii)Draw the circuit diagram of Darlington pair isolation amplifier and explain (8)
2. (i)What is the medical use of chopper amplifier? Draw the diagram of mechanical chopper amplifier and explain its working.. (8)
(ii)Draw the ECG curves for Normal adult, Myocardial infraction, coronary insufficiency and ventricular fibrillations. (8)
3. (i)Draw the buffer amplifier circuit and explain its working (8)
(ii)Explain the working of a Chopper amplifier (8)
4. Explain the working of (i)EEG Recorder (ii)EMG System (16)
5. Describe in detail about the clinical significance ,lead configuration, recording methods and waveforms of ECG. (16)
6. Describe in detail about the basic components of a biomedical system? (16)
7. What are the electrodes used in biomedical and explain the types of electrodes in detail with diagrams (16)
8. (i)Explain any four types of surface electrodes in detail (8)
(ii)Describe in detail the needle-electrodes and its types (8)

Unit – III

Non-Electrical Parameter Measurements :
Part – A :
1. Define GSR Measurement.
2. Define BSR Measurement.
3. How is the blood pressure measured in the indirect method.
4. Briefly mention the uses of gas analyzers.
5. What is called Respiratory rate?
6. What is called Cardiac Output?
7. Explain the principle of sphygmomanometer
8. What are the methods involved in direct blood pressure measurement?
9. What is pH Value of Arterial blood and Venous blood?
10. Define Apnoea.
11. What is the principle of working of Electromagnetic blood flow meter?
12. What is Spiro meter?
13. Define MVV, FVC, and FRC?
14. What are the different sounds made by the heart?

Part – B :
1. Draw the block diagram of automated electro sphygmomanometer for blood pressure measurement and explain its operation? (16)
2. Explain with relevant equations the working and measurement produce of Plethysmograph?. (16)
3. With suitable figures explain How pH ,Pco2 ,and Po2 are measured? (16)
4. i) Explain any one method of measuring blood pressure. (8)
ii) Explain about ESR and GSR measurements (8)
5. Describe in detail a method to determine Total Lung capacity (16)
6. Draw a circuit diagram of a pH meter and explain its working details. (16)
7. i) Explain the Working principle of a electromagnetic type blood flow meter. (8)
ii) Define Cardiac output.Discuss a technique to determine Cardiac output (8)
8. i) Explain the Principle of operation of an Ultrasonic blood flow meter (8)
ii) Expl;ain the origin of different heart sounds. (8)

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