mlrinstitutions.ac.in B.Tech I Year I Sem MLR15 Supplementary Exam Question Paper 2016 : Institute Of Technology

Name of the Centre : MLR Institute Of Technology
Name Of The Exam : B.Tech I Year I Sem MLR15 Supplementary Examinations
Name Of The Subject : Introduction To Web Markup Languages
Year : December-2016
Document type : Sample questions Papers

Website : https://mlrinstitutions.ac.in/
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PTMM : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13195-PTMM.pdf
IWML : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13195-IWML.pdf
Network Analysis https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13195-NetworkAnalysis.pdf
English : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13195-English.pdf
EEE Engg : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13195-EEE.pdf

B.Tech I Year I Sem MLR15 Supplementary Examinations :

Introduction To Web Markup Languages :
Time: 3 hours
Max.Marks :75

Related : MLR Institute Of Technology B.Tech II Year I Sem Examinations Question Paper 2016 : www.pdfquestion.in/13187.html

Note :
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B.
2. Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all Questions in part A.
3. Part B consists of 5 units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries 10 Marks and may have a,b,c as sub questions.

Part – A : (25 Marks)
1. a) Distinguish between WWW and Internet. [2M]
b) Describe two types Unordered List tags with example [2M]
c) Explain briefly about Navigator object in JavaScript [2M]
d) Define Cloud Computing [2M]
e) Write two background properties in CSS. [2M]

2. a) Explain paragraph tag & line break tag with example. [3M]
b) Write HTML code for embedding audio & video files. [3M]
c) Explain document object Methods. [3M]
d) Explain Font styles in CSS with example [3M]
e) Explain Hybrid cloud. [3M]

Part- B : (50 Marks)
3. a) Write Structure of HTML document with an example. [6M]
b) Differentiate HTML4 and HTML5 [4M]
4. Write a HTML program to display your name in the title bar of browser , Use Header Level tags to display the site Name, Use line break , Write a simple paragraph about your interests and use preformatted tags as well as Paragraph tag.( Use Proper Comments) [10M]
5. a) Write the mechanism available to add images to webpage [5M]
b) Explain different list tags with example [5M]
6. a) Explain about frames in HTML [5M]
b) Create a Simple registration form with textbox, radio button, checkbox, button, submit button, select box, file upload, text area ,etc. [5M]

7. a) Explain different ways to apply CSS to HTML ? Give Suitable examples [10M]
8. a) Explain methods in Window object [5M]
b) Explain the use of CSS in HTML. [5M]
9. a) Write a Simple CSS Style sheet which contains various rules for backgrounds and color gradients and apply these styles to any HTML page [5M]
b) Describe various table properties in CSS with suitable examples [5M]
10. a) Write a CSS program to display the image as a background and tilt it horizontally. [5M]
b) Write a CSS Program to display multiple frames in horizontal and vertical directions. [5M]
11. a) Briefly explain the various challenges and benefits of Cloud computing [5M]
b) Explain the procedure for uploading files to Cloud [5M]
12. a) Explain various cloud computing deploying models [5M]
b) Differentiate the private, public and hybrid clouds. [5M]

Technical English : (Common to ECE & MECH)
Time: 3 hours
Max.Marks :75
Note :
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B.
2. Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all Questions in part A.
3. Part B consists of 5 units. Answer any one full question from each unit.
4. Each question carries 10 Marks and may have a,b,c as sub questions.

PART – A :
1. a) Write about different types of programming languages. [2M]
b) List the rules of Identifiers [2M]
c) Explain how to declare and initialize arrays [2M]
d) What are the applications of self referential structures? [2M]
e) Write about malloc() and calloc() functions. [2M]

2. a) Distinguish between a variable and constant [3M]
b) Distinguish between switch statement and else if statement. [3M]
c) Explain various storage classes in ‘C’. [3M]
d) How to pass pointers as arguments to a function? Explain. [3M]
e) Write a program to implement linear search. [3M]

PART –B : [50M]
3. a) Using switch statement write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. [5M]
b) What is an operator? Give the examples of the various types of arithmetic, relational operators. [5M]

4. a) What is the keyword break and continue used for? Support with an example. [5M]
b) Write a program to read a number to check whether it is a armstrong number or not. [5M]

5. a) Give an example that illustrates call by value and call by reference. [5M]
b) How to create a user defined function that finds the length of the string. [5M]

6. a) Write a function to remove duplicates from an ordered array. For example, if input is a,a,c,d,q,q,r,s,u,w,w,w,w,; then the output should be a,c,d,q,r,s,u,w. [5M]
b) List the various storage classes and their scopes. [5M]

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