annamalaiuniversity.ac.in B.A. History Model Question Paper : Annamalai University

Name of the University : Annamalai University
Exam : B.A. History (E.M. & T.M.) Examination
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Category or Subject : Modern Governments
Year : 2015

Website : https://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/index.php
Download Question Paper :
English – Poetry And Drama : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11859-Poetry.pdf
General History Of India : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11859-india.pdf
History Of The Tamil Nadu : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11859-Tamilnadu.pdf
History Of Europe From : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11859-Europe.pdf
Modern Governments : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11859-Europe.pdf

B.A. History Model Question Paper :

Subject : Modern Governments : (Common with D.D., B.A. History & Heritage Management)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 marks

Related / Similar Question Paper : Annamalai University BA Elements of Social Research Question Paper

Answer any FIVE questions. : (5 * 20 = 100)
1. Give an account of the history of the constitutional developments.
2. Explain the main features of rule of law.
3. Write an essay about the Formal Amendment.
4. Describe the salient feature of Unitary State.
5. Analyse the theory of Separation of Power.
6. Explain the powers of the Indian President.
7. Give an account about the political parts in America.
8. Discuss the main features of the Swiss constitution.
9. Explain the nature and the powers of the British Parliament.
10. Analyse the features of French Judiciary.

Subject : History Of Europe From A.D. 1789 TO 1945 (Including Double Degree)
Answer any FIVE questions. : (5 * 20 = 100)
1. Examine the causes and results of the French Revolution.
2. Describe briefly the chief events of the Era of Metfernich.
3. Narrate the causes and events leading to the Revolution of 1848.
4. Explain the different phases in the unification of Italy.
5. Discuss the special features of the Third Republic of France.
6. Examine the activities of the Congress of Berlin.
7. Explain the causes for the success of the Allied nations in the World War – I.
8. Discuss the emergence and activities of the Nazism in Germany.
9. Explain the origin and structure of the U.N.O.
10. Answer any FOUR of the following in brief:
a) Continental System.
b) Holly Alliance.
c) Munroe Doctrine.
d) Young Turks.
e) Locarno pact.
f) Pearl Harbour.

Subject : History Of The Tamil Nadu (Including Double Degree)
Answer any FIVE questions. : (5 * 20 = 100)
1. Explain the various literary sources for the study of the history of Tamil Nadu.
2. Give an account of the Sangam Cholas.
3. Describe the life of the people in the Kalabhra Age.
4. Estimate the achievements of Mahendravarma – I Pallava.
5. Examine the salient features of Local Administrative System of the Later Cholas.
6. Evaluate the greatness of Jatavarman Sundara Pandiya – I.
7. Discuss the impact of Muslim invasions of Tamil Country.
8. Trace the growth of Art and Architecture under Vijayanagar Empire.
9. Write an essay about Bhulithevan.
10. Trace the significance of the Civil Disobedience Movement of Tamil Nadu.

Subject : English – Poetry And Drama
I. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 100 words each. : (3 × 5 = 15)
1. How does Gray give a contrast between the living and the dead?
2. Describe the sudden change of mood of wordsworth from happiness.
3. How does Shelley describe the skylark?
4. How does Matthew Arnold describe the conflict in Men’s Minds?
5. Give an account of the feeling of the blessed damozel.
6. What does Edwin Markhan ask the present day rulers and masters?

II. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 100 words each. : (3 × 5 = 15)
7. How does Duke senior describe the seven ages of man?
8. How does Rosalind unite all the four pairs of lovers?
9. Write a note on Rosalind’s disguiser.
10. What is the role played by Adam?
11. Consider Touchstone as a clown.
12. Why is Jaques called the weeping Philosopher?

III. Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. : (2 × 5 = 10)
13. What does Pip do in the churchyard before he meets the convict?
14. Narrate the conversation between Nat and Higgins.
15. How does Madame de cover up the secret of her having sold the ear-rings?
16. How did Mike come to the barn?

Subject : General History Of India
Answer any FIVE questions. : (5 ? 20 = 100)
1. Describe the rise of the Marathas under the First three Peshwas.
2. Discus the causes, events and effects of Nadirshah’s invasion of India.
3. Trace the Anglo-French Struggle for supremacy in India during the 18th Century.
4. What do you know about the subsidiary system of Wellesley? Explain its merits and demerits.
5. Critically examine the foreign policy of Lord Dalhousie.
6. List out the causes and results of the Revolt of 1857.
7. Bring out the salient features of the Indian Councils Act of 1892.
8. Give an account of the Social Reforms of 19th Century India.
9. Explain the changes introduced in the constitution of India by the Government of India Act 1919.

10. Write short note on any FOUR of the following:
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) Aims of INC
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasath
(d) Princely States
(e) Powers of the Governor
(f) Secular India.

Categories: History
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