krc.gitam.edu Polity, Society & Economy Question Paper : GITAM University

Organisation : GITAM University
Exam : B.Com. & B.A. Degree Examination
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Category or Subject : Contemporary India – Polity, Society And Economy
Year : 2016

Website : http://krc.gitam.edu/papers
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Polity, Society & Economy Question Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 70
Instructions :
** All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
** Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.

Related : GITAM University DCA Examination Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11817.html

Multiple Choice Questions : (15×1=15)
1) British Crown Period in Indian was
a) 1758-1857
b) 1858-1947
c) 1658-1757
d) 1865-1956

2) Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?
a) Rama Krishna
b) Vivekananda
c) Raja Ramamohan Roy
d) Devi

3) “Service to mankind is service to god” is the motto of-
a) Rama Krishna Mission
b ) Arya Samaj³
c) Theosophical Society
d) Brahma Samaj

4) Junagadh Merged with Indian Union in
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1949
d) 1950

5) The 42nd Amendment Act curtailed to rights to-
a) Judiciary
b) Finance
c) Education
d) Chief Ministers

6) Foreign policy of India is called
a) Non-alignment
b) Secular
c) Socialist
d) Gandhian Philosphy

7) Three tyre Panchyat Raj institutions have been functioning in India since
a) 1957
b) 1958
c) 1959
d) 1960

8) The purushasukta of Rigveda referring to the origin of
a) Chatur Varna
b) Caste System
c) Asramas
d) Varnas

9) The main features of Indian Society
a) Nation
b) Religion
c) Local
d) Unity in diversity

10) The largest population country in the world
a) India
b) America
c) China
d) Canada

11) Kishore Shakti Yojana was aimed
a) To improve health status
b) Gender inequality
c) Women Employment
d) To eradicate illiteracy

12) WTO means
a) World Trade Organisation
b) World Tourism Organisation
c) World Trade Co-operations
d) Wrold Tourism Co-operation

13) The Chairman of the Planning Commission is
a) Prime Minister
b) Finance Minister
c) Finance Secretary
d) Planning Minister

14) Unemployment is due to
a) Illiteracy
b) Excess Population
c) Industrialization
d) Agriculture

15) DWCRA was started during the year
a) 1980-81
b) 1981-82
c) 1982-83
d) 1983-84

Fill in the blanks :
16) During the Compayn period they introduced _______ as official language
17) Who conducted Champaran Satyagraha ___________
18) D.M.K LOCAL party in __________
19) There are ________ Fundamental Rights
20) Supreme Court was established at Calcutta by the act of
21) ASEAN means __________

Match the following: Yhµ ¶p±µÀVµÀ¶¢ÀÀ (5×1=5)
22) Orissa Famine – a) Bentham
23) Bala Gangadhar Tilak – b) Hyderabad
24) P.V. Narasimha Rao – c) 1866
25) Utilitarianism – d) Lokamanya
26) Police Action – e) 1991 Industrial Policy

Write short notes on any FOUR of the following : (4×3=12)
27) Secularism
28) Achievements of Public Sector
29) Give an account on Panchaseela
30) What are the trends of National Income in India?
31) Caste System in India
32) Economic inequalities in India
33) Women empowerment

Write an essay on any FOUR of the following : (4×8=32)
34) Discuss the causes for the destruction of cottage industries in India during the British rule
35) Write an essay on Nehru’s Foreign Policy
36) Write about the main features of Indian Constitution
37) Write an essay on the Present Status of Indian agriculture
38) Describe Marriage System in India
39) Discuss the government policies in eradicating poverty
40) Give an account of Reserve Bank of India

Science & Technology :
Multiple Choice Questions : (15×1=15)
1) Deficiency of Vitamin A causes _____ disease
a) Beri-Beri
b) Night-blindness
c) Rickets d) Scurvy

2) Insulin is produced by
a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Pineal body
d) Adrenal gland

3) Hypersensitivity is caused by
a) Ig B
b) IgE
c) Ig A
d) Ig D

4) Poly unsaturated fatty acids are found in
a) Lin seed oil
b) Sunflower oil
c) Cotton seed oil
d) Ground nut oil

5) The melting point of Naphthalene is
a) 90o C
b) 70o C
c) 96o C
d) 80o C

6) The formula of Methane is
a) C2 H6
b) CH4
c) C2 H2
d) CO2

7) The micro-particle of any element or compound, which is of free existence is called
a) Atom
b) Particle
c) Molecule
d) Proton

8) The indicator of atomic number of any element is
a) Z
b) A
c) X

9) Evolutionary theory was proposed by
a) Mendel
b) Charles Darwin
c) Edberg
d) None of them

10) Which organ is called graveyard of Red blood cells-
a) Spleen
b) Liver
c) Pancreas
d) None of these

11) Pick the material which has more number of electrons
a) Iron
b) Glass
c) Copper
d) Rubber

12) Which of the following endocrine gland does not occur as a pair in the human body
a) Ovary
b) Testis
c) Adrenal
d) Pitutary

13) Which vitamin plays an important role in blood clotting
a) vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin K

14) Which of the following is a sex linked disorder
a) Hemophilia
b) Malaria
c) Diabetes
d) HIV

15) The First Indian Satellite sent into space is
a) Aryabatta
b) Bhaskara
c) Rohini
d) Sputnic

Fill in the blanks : (6×1=6)
16) HIV is __________________
17) Thermal electricity is produced from _______________
18) The first discovered antibiotic is __________
19) Geometric theory was proposed by ______
20) Telescope was invented by ____________
21) ____________ is not a permanent magnet

Write short notes on any FOUR of the following : (4×3=12)
27. What are Vaccines?
28. Describe the structure of atom?
29. Explain about ecosystem –
30. Write any three properties of Magnet
31. What are essential fatty acids?
32. Write some applications of poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
33. Explain Lamarckism ?

Write an essay on any FOUR of the following : (4×8=32)
34) Describe the history of Science and Technology
35) Describe the structure of an atom
36) What is Green Revolution? Describe the role of Green Revolution in India
37) Define Bio-diversity. Explain the types of Bio-diversity
38) What are the features of blue revolution
39) Illustrate about Satellite Technology
40) Describe the structure of an ecosystem

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