krc.gitam.edu DCA Examination Model Question Paper : GITAM University

Organisation : GITAM University
Exam : DCA Examination
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Category or Subject : Introduction To Computer Organization
Year : 2016

Website : http://krc.gitam.edu/papers
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DCA Examination Model Question Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 70
Instructions :
1. All parts of the section must be answered in one place only.
2. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.

Related : GITAM University Business Economics Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11814.html

1. Answer any Four of the following (4×5=20)
a) What is Alpha-numeric Representation?
b) Error detection & correction codes
c) Types of high speed memories
d) Characteristics of Instruction set
e) Input/output techniques
f) CPU components
g) Fundamentals of assembly language

Answer all questions : (5×10=50)
2. a) Evolution fo computers in the global era discuss it?
b) Simplify the following Boolean expressions using K-map f (A,B,C,D) = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15)
3. a) Write the difference between Random Access Memory and Direct Memory?
b) Explain how data transfer is done using DMA?
4. a) Explain different types of ROMs with its purpose
b) Explain the basic structure and general register organization of CPU?
5.a) What are micro-operations? Explain the types of micro-operations
b) Write a short note on ALU and control unit organization
6. a) Draw and discuss the block diagram of 8060 micro-processor?
b) Discuss about the Motorola 68000 micro-processor?

C Programming And Data Structures :
1. Answer any four of the following : (4×5=20)
a) Define Algorithm
b) Explain typedef statement
c) Write differences between while and do-while loops
d) What is Bit Field. explain with example
e) Write an algorithm for Push operation in Stack
f) Write applications of a Queue.
g) how to calculate time complexity for linear search

Answer all questions : (5×10= 50)
2. a ) Explain operators in C with Examples
b) (i) What is an Identifier? List out the rules of Identifiers
(ii) Explain Enumerated data type with an example
3. a) Discuss in detail about control structures
b) Write an algorithm and C Program to check given number is prime or not
4. a) Write about 2-dimensional arrays and implement it in matrix addition program

b) (i) Write differences between Structure and Union
(ii) Explain recursive function with an example.

5. a) What is an abstract data type. List out the basic operations of Stack
b) What is priority Queue? Discuss two of their applications and mention how they are represented in memory?

6. a) Write a program for binary search and calculate the time complexity
b) Perform merge sort with the following
15, 5, 6, 24, 75, 3, 50, 43, 8, 2

Introduction To Database Management Systems :
1. Answer any Four of the following : (4×5=20)
a) What is the purpose of Database Management System?
b) Distinguish between single valued and multi valued attributes with examples
c) Write about Functional Dependency
d) Define referential integrity constraints
e) Explain different types of views
f) State the need of normalisation for a database
g) What is schema? Explain the purpose of database schema

Answer all questions : (5×10=50)
2. a) Explain the structure and uses of a database
b) Explain the three level architecture of database management system
3. a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
i. Hierarchial Model
ii. Relational Model
b) What is an entity? Explain Entity-Relationship model with an example
4. a) Explain Codd’s 12 rules
b) Write about the operators used in Relational Algebra

5. a) What are Normal Forms? Explain Boyce Codd Normal Form with an example
b) Discuss about different types of anamolies that arise in the database due to redundancy
6. a) Explain the following in SQL with examples
i. Select Clause
ii. Inset into Clause
iii. Constraints in SQL
iv. Group by Clause
v. Join Clause
b) Write in detail about Data Manipulation Statements with examples

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