Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test TNSET Political Sciences Question Paper 2017 : motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in

University : Mother Teresa Women’s University
Exam : TNSET – Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test 2017
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2017
Subject : Political Sciences

Website : http://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/
Set E : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11737-politicalE.pdf
Set F : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11737-politicalF.pdf
Set G : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11737-PoliticalG.pdf
Set H https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11737-PoliticalH.pdf

TNSET Political Sciences Question Paper :

Note :
a. Attempt all the questions.
b. Each question carries two (2) marks.

Related : Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET Mathematical Sciences Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11726.html

1. Who called Machiavelli “as a friend of People for having exposed the Prince”?
1) Spinoza
2) Montesquieu
3) Rousseau
4) Gioranni Gentile

2. Who made this statement “the Liberty consists in following the Moral law”?
1) Cole
2) Marx
3) Spinoza
4) Bentham

3. In which year John Locke visited Holland?
1) 1680
2) 1683
3) 1685
4) 1687

4. The book written by J. Bentham ‘A Fragment on Government was published in the year’
1) 1776
2) 1777
3) 1787
4) 1786

5. Who wrote the book ‘Philosophy of Right’?
1) Kant
2) Karl Marx
3) J.S. Mill
4) Hegel

6. Karl Marx adopted the theory of class war from
1) Augustin Theory
2) Ricardo
3) Hegel
4) Engels

7. Theory of Will is associated with
1) Nietzsche
2) Gramsci
3) Kant
4) Hume

8. John Rawls called Justice as
1) Fairness
2) Moral
3) Ideal
4) Right

9. For Gandhi Democracy meant complete decentralisation of
1) People’s Power
2) Political Power
3) Sovereign Power
4) Legislative Power

10. Congress Socialist Part was founded in the year
1) 1934
2) 1936
3) 1938
4) 1939

11. Judicial review implies
1) Review of the existing laws with a view to update them
2) The right of the judiciary to examine whether the laws passed by the legislature and orders issued by the executive are in keeping with the provisions of the constitution or not
3) Review of the laws in operation with a view to weed out the out-dated laws
4) All the above

12. In a federal government
1) All powers are vested in the central government
2) All powers are vested in the units and the centre merely acts as a coordinator
3) Powers are divided between the centre and states
4) None of these

13. In Presidential form of government
1) Executive is subordinate to the legislature
2) Legislature is subordinate to the executive
3) Executive and legislature are independent of each other
4) Judiciary is subordinate to the executive

14. The political parties impart to the citizens
1) Political education
2) Political and legal education
3) Political and general education
4) No education

15. Under parliamentary system of government bureaucracy exercises
1) Only those powers which are vested in it
2) Only those powers which are vested in the ministers
3) Power which are vested in it and powers vested in the ministers
4) None of these

16. Who of the following held that the concept of political modernization should be closely linked with the concept of nation state?
1) Huntington
2) David Apter
3) Lucian Pye
4) J.S. Coleman

17. Manifest socialization implies
1) Explicit communication of information
2) That instructions are indirectly imparted
3) It functions in a hidden way
4) None of the above

18. Who of the following was a leading exponent of political communication?
1) Robert C. North
2) Arthur Bentley
3) Karl Deutsch
4) Merton Kaplan

19. Who of the following extended the concept of power to international politics?
1) Palmer and Perkins
2) Morgenthau
3) Goldhamer
4) None of the above

20. Who said that ‘Authority is not power but something that accompanies power. It is a quality in men and things which enhances their power but it is not power in itself’?
1) Robert Dahl
2) Carl J. Fredrick
3) Harold Lasswell
4) None of the above

21. Which of the following is not the main feature of the government system prescribed by the Act of 1935?
1) Federation and Provincial Autonomy
2) Diarchy at the Centre
3) Diarchy in the Provinces
4) Distribution of legislative power between the Centre and the Provinces

22. The basic aims and objectives of the constitution are discussed in
1) Part III dealing with the fundamental Rights
2) The Preamble
3) Chapter IV dealing with the Directive Principles of State Policy
4) Nowhere specific

23. Which one of the following has been dropped from the list of personal freedoms enshrined in article 19 of the constitution?
1) Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms
2) Freedom to acquire, hold and dispose property
3) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the country
4) Freedom to carry on any profession, occupation, trade or business

24. The fundamental duties were added to the constitution
1) To make the fundamental rights more effective
2) To check anti-national, subversive and unconstitutional agitations
3) To accord priority to the directive principles over fundamental rights
4) To achieve all the above objectives

25. By which amendment, the power to amend the constitution was specifically conferred upon the parliament?
1) 24th Amendment
2) 42nd Amendment
3) 52nd Amendment
4) 56th Amendment

26. The president
1) Can dismiss a Minister at his discretion
2) Cannot dismiss a Minister
3) Can dismiss a Minister on the advice of the Prime Minister
4) Can dismiss a Minister on the advice of the Chief Justice of Ind

27. Privilege motion can be raised against a minister when he
1) Raises no confidence in the government
2) Absents himself for a long time
3) Withholds the facts of a case or gives a distorted version of facts
4) Avoids collective responsibility of the cabinet

28. The chief minister of a state asks the governor to dissolve the legislature when
1) The president issues a proclamation of state emergency
2) He fears large scale defections from his ruling party
3) He has no confidence in the cabinet
4) His ministry loses absolute majority in the legislature

29. The Central Government can legislate on a subject in the state list
1) If the parliament passes a resolution declaring that it is essential to do so in national interest
2) If the parliament issue an ordinance to this effect on the plea of national interest
3) The Supreme Court grants necessary authority to the parliament
4) The Rajya Sabha passes are resolution by two–third majority declaring that particular subject in the state list to be of national importance

29. The Central Government can legislate on a subject in the state list
1) If the parliament passes a resolution declaring that it is essential to do so in national interest
2) If the parliament issue an ordinance to this effect on the plea of national interest
3) The Supreme Court grants necessary authority to the parliament
4) The Rajya Sabha passes are resolution by two–third majority declaring that particular subject in the state list to be of national importance

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