Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test TNSET Management Studies Question Paper 2017 : motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in

University : Mother Teresa Women’s University
Exam : TNSET – Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test 2017
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2017
Subject : Management Studies

Website : http://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/
Set E : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11723-ManagementE.pdf
Set F : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11723-ManagementE.pdf
Set G : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11723-ManagementG.pdf
Set H : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11723-ManagementH.pdf

TNSET Management Studies Question Paper :

Note :
a. Attempt all the questions.
b. Each question carries two (2) marks.

Related : Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET Law Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/11716.html

1. If a firm raises Rs. 1, 00,000 by the issue of debentures at 10%, repayable after 10 years, the rate of return that equates the present value of cash inflows with the present value of cash outflows is referred to as
1) Explicit cost
2) Implicit cost
3) Specific cost
4) Future cost

2. In case the demand elasticity under imperfect competition is unity, the marginal revenue will be
1) more than utility, but less than infinity
2) equal to unity
3) less than unity, but more than zero
4) equal to zero

3. Open market operation means
1) Borrowing by scheduled banks from the Central Bank
2) Purchase and sale of Government Securities by the Central Bank
3) Lending by Commercial Banks to industry and trade
4) Deposit mobilization

4. Which fiscal measure should be adopted in correcting inflationary Gap?
I Reduction in Public Expenditure II Increase in Taxes
III Increase in Public debt
1) I only
2) I and II only
3) I and III only
4) I, II, III

5. Investment in human capital is related with expenditure in
1) Salary Expenses
2) Giving car facility
3) LTC
4) Training Expenses

6. It is easy to tell when Donald is not listening by the way he looks away when you are speaking to him and he begins to tap his pen. Donald is communication through
1) lateral communication
2) proxemics
3) social distance
4) nonverbal communication

7. Affective conflict is:
1) impersonal and based on issues rather than a personality
2) emotional and aimed at a person rather than an issue
3) a divergent hierarchy of goals
4) a consequence of the requirements of the job

8. Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through
1) Job satisfaction
2) Organizational commitment
3) Both ‘1’ and ‘2’
4) None of the above

9. The group ———————— are more important to the group members than any financial incentive.
1) Norms
2) Values
3) Both ‘1’ and ‘2’
4) None of the value

10. The team of authors, who called organizational development as, practical application of science of organization is
1) Porras and Robertson
2) Fayle and Taylor
3) Rogger and Bennet
4) None of the above

11. In an interview, the interviewer performance is neither satisfactory nor correctable is known as
1) Satisfactory – Promotable interview
2) Satisfactory – Not promotable interview
3) Unsatisfactory – Correctable interview
4) Unsatisfactory – Un correctable interview

12. Job Evaluation is a technique which aims at which one of the following :
1) Establishing fair and equitable pay structure
2) Analysing the requirement of updating technology
3) Assessing safety requirement of jobs
4) Improving productivity

13. If government sets stricter licensing requirement for electricians, we would expect all of the following to occur in the labour market for electricians except for the
1) Wages of electricians to increase
2) Number of people working as electricians to decrease
3) Demand for electricians increase
4) Supply of licensed electricians falls

14. Intelligence Quotient can be calculated as
1) Mental Age/Actual Age * 100
2) Actual Age/100 * Mental Age
3) 100/Actual Age * Mental Age
4) Actual Age/Standard Age * 100

15. Re arrange the following steps of recruitment
I Searching II Evaluation and control
III Planning IV Screening
V Strategy development
Codes :
1) III , II , I , V , IV
2) III , V , I , IV, II
3) IV , V , III , I, II
4) II , I , IV, V , III

16. The term ‘Exchange Ratio’ is used in
1) Profitability Assessment
2) Capital Structure
3) Mergers and Acquisitions
4) Leverages

17. Certificate of deposit is issued in multiples of
1) Rs. 5 Lakh
2) Rs.10 Lakh
3) Rs.1 Lakh
4) Rs. 25 Lakh

18. In Walter model formula D stands for
1) Dividend per share
2) Direct Dividend
3) Dividend Earning
4) Dividend payout

19. Which of the following would not be acquired from a target company in the event of a takeover?
1) Target company equity
2) Target company asset
3) Target company liabilities
4) Target company share price premium

20. At its current capital structure of 45% debt and 55% equity, RV Limited’s beta equals 1.35. The expected return on the market equals 15% and the average market risk premium equals 8.2%. What is cost of equity?
1) 11.07%
2) 17.87%
3) 6.8 %
4) 9.18%

21. The objective of Test marketing is to
1) Test the market with consumers
2) Introduce product in open market
3) Predict product’s performance and its future
4) Test consumers with the product

22. What are three popular methods for obtaining primary data?
1) Experimentation; personal interview; Delphi technique
2) Survey; interviews; experimentation
3) Interviews and surveys; observation; experimentation
4) Interviews and surveys; observation; Harrison methodology

23. Promotions that are aimed at intermediary in the distribution channel are known as
1) Trade promotions
2) Sales promotion
3) Consumer promotion
4) Sales force promotion

24. When producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system, they comprise a :
1) conventional marketing system
2) power-based marketing system
3) horizontal marketing system
4) vertical marketing system

25. Marketing managers should adapt the marketing mix to ———————— and constantly monitor value changes and differences in both domestic and global markets.
1) Sales strategies
2) Marketing concepts
3) Cultural values
4) Brand images

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