Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET Geography Question Paper : Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test 2017

University : Mother Teresa Women’s University
Exam : TNSET – Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test 2017
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2017
Subject : Geography

Website : http://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/
Download Question Paper :
SET E : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11697-GeographyE.pdf
SET F : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11697-GeographyF.pdf
SET G : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11697-GeographyG.pdf
SET H : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11697-GeographyH.pdf

TNSET Geography Question Paper :

Note :
1. Attempt all the questions.
2. Each question carries two (2) marks

Related : Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET English Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11693.html

1. The name of the super continent that broke apart as the seafloor began to spread hundreds of millions of years ago is
1) Eurasia
2) Tethys
3) Pangaea
4) Panthalassa

2. The interruption of the cycle of erosion is termed as
1) Rejuvenation
2) Degradation
3) Aggradation
4) Retrogradation

3. Deepening of river valley is
1) Epeirogenetic
2) Endogenetic
3) Exogenetic
4) All of the above

4. The concept of “Normal Cycle of Erosion” was given by:
1) Davis
2) Penck
3) Strahler
4) Thornbury

5. The science of study of soils is called
1) Pedagogy
2) Pedology
3) Geology
4) Morphology

6. ––––––––––––– of incoming solar radiation is reflected back to space.
1) 05 %
2) 35 %
3) 75 %
4) 95 %

7. In which of the following months does the Tamil Nadu coast get most of its rainfall?
1) December to February
2) March to May
3) June to September
4) October to November

8. Horse latitude is the knick name of
1) Sub tropical high pressure belt
2) Sub polar low pressure belt
3) Polar high pressure belt
4) Equatorial low pressure belt

9. The term ‘anticyclone’ was used for the first time by
1) Abercromby
2) Francis Galton
3) Solbery
4) Petterson

10. What are the katabatic winds?
1) Flow of air from high pressure to low pressure
2) Flow of air against the normal pressure gradient
3) Flow of cold winds down lope under gravity
4) Flow of warm air down slope under gravity

11. Which of the following port had been developed on a lagoon?
1) Chennai
2) Mumbai
3) Kochi
4) Vishakhapatnam

12. When was the Project Tiger launched in India
1) 1971
2) 1972
3) 1973
4) 1974

13. What forms the first trophic level in any ecosystem?
1) Herbivores
2) Plants
3) Carnivores
4) Omnivores

14. Which article of the Indian constitution enshrines it as one of the fundamental duties of every citizen of India to protect and improve the environment and wild life
1) Article- 51 A
2) Article- 52 A
3) Article-53 A
4) Article-54 A

15. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
1) Taiga – rosewood
2) Tropical deciduous – maple
3) Mediterranean – olive
4) Selva – mahagony

16. Who wrote ‘Cosmos’ in 1845?
1) Carl Ritter
2) Alexander Von Humboldt
3) Strabo
4) Varenius

17. Which one of the following scholars was the first to divide the world landmass into three continents: Europe, Asia and Libya?
1) Alexander
2) Hecataeus
3) Eratosthenes
4) Herodotus

18. Who is differentiated geography and chorography?
1) Al Idrisi
2) Al Masudi
3) Ptolemy
4) G. Taylor

19. Who named the human dominance theory of “man-environment relationship” as ‘Possibilism’?
1) Lucien Gallios
2) Lucien Febvre
3) Jean Brunhes
4) Vidal de La Blache

20. Who was the first geographer to ascertain the length of the equator?
1) Eratosthenes
2) Herodotus
3) Alexander
4) Thales

21. The state which has the highest percent of SC population is
1) Punjab
2) Uttar Pradesh
3) Andhra Pradesh
4) Tamil Nadu

22. In the concentric zone theory,which lies next to central business district
1) Transition Zone
2) Middle Income Housing
3) Commuters Zone
4) Zone of better residence

23. Of the following, Chandigarh is a
1) Pilgrim centre
2) Mining centre
3) Administrative town
4) Cultural Centre

24. As per Mackinder , the’ Heartland’ in his theory refers to
1) Inland Europe
2) South Asia
3) Eastern China
4) North Africa

25. The ‘ribbon pattern’ of rural settlement is called as
1) Nebular village
2) Plain village
3) Semi –circular village
4) Street village

26. Detroit are famous for
1) Automobile industry
2) Cotton industry
3) Rayon industry
4) Chemical engineering industry

27. Which type of rubber is grown in India?
1) Ciara
2) Hevea
3) African rubber
4) Ficus elastic

28. How much of agricultural land is irrigated in India?
1) 12%
2) 35%
3) 29%
4) 48%

29. Sparrow’s point is famous for
1) Steel industry
2) Aluminium industry
3) Heavy engineering industry
4) Automobile industry

30. The biggest sugarcane producing country in the world is
1) Brazil
2) Java
3) Cuba
4) Mauritius

31. Which among the following is an example of a community?
1) Family
2) Marriage
3) Village
4) Refugee Camp

32. Dayak is one type of tribal group living in
1) Nigeria
2) India
3) Indonesia
4) Russia

33. Indo-Aryans belong to the
1) Mongoloid races
2) Negrito races
3) Nordic races
4) Caucasoid race

34. The Masai tribes are a primitive groups of which of the following occupations?
1) Pastoral
2) Gatherers
3) Agricultural
4) All of these

35. The ‘New Australians’ include
1) Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese
2) Britishers, Italians and other Europeans
3) Anglo-Americans
4) Modernised native population

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