motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in TNSET English Question Paper 2017 : Mother Teresa Women’s University

University : Mother Teresa Women’s University
Exam : TNSET – Tamil Nadu State Eligibility Test 2017
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2017
Subject : English

Website : http://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/
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TNSET English Question Paper :

Note :
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** Each question carries two (2) marks.

Related : Mother Teresa Women’s University TNSET Electronics Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/11680.html

1. One of the following dramatists did not belong to the group of ‘University Wits’.
Identify him :
1) Robert Greene
2) Shakespeare
3) Thomas Nash
4) John Lyly

2. Spenser’s Amoretti is ———————
1) A Collection Of His Poems
2) A Collections Of His Love Sonnets
3) A Collection Of His Miscellaneous Songs
4) An Elegy on the death of Sidney

3. The Puritans closed the public theaters in ———————
1) October 1642
2) September 1642
3) February 1642
4) November 1642

4. Who is the author of The Medal?
1) John Wilmot
2) John Dryden
3) Aphra Behn
4) Matthew Prior

5. ——————— is the best and the most entertaining of Smollett’s novel
1) Humphrey Clinker
2) A Sentimental Journey
3) Peregrine Pickle
4) The Adventures of Roderick Random

6. There pass with melancholy state By all the solemn heaps of Fate”. These lines are from the ——————— poem
1) A Night-piece on Death
2) A Hymn to Contenment
3) Hermit
4) A Nocturnal Reverie

7. Who is the author of the poem The Giaour?
1) Clare
2) Byron
3) Shelley
4) Keats

8. Goethe’s Wilelm Meister’s Apprenticeship is translated by ———————
1) Macaulay
2) Ruskin
3) Caryle
4) Dickens

9. William Slubbs, Edward A. Freeman and Samuel R. Gardiner were ——————— of the Victorian Period
1) Historians
2) Dramatics
3) Poets
4) Painters

10. The Parliament Act of ——————— is the most important piece of legislation in the constitutional history of Britain in the 20th century
1) 1922
2) 1933
3) 1911
4) 1910

11. ——————— contributes to the abolition of theatre censorship in UK with his play, Saved
1) Tom Stoppard
2) Edward Bond
3) Michelene Wandor
4) Samuel Beckett

12. Shepard received the ——————— for Drama in 1979 for his play Buried Child
1) Pulitzer Prize
2) Drama Desk Award
3) Emmy Award
4) PEN American Award

13. Gayathri Chakravarthy Spivak discusses the “Feminism and Critical Theory” with the ideas of ———————
1) Karl Marx
2) Roman Jakobson
3) Jacques Derrida
4) Jacques Lacon

14. Levi Straes describes bricolage not only as an intellectual activity but also as a ______________ activity
1) Mythopoetical
2) Realpoetical
3) Sociopoetical
4) Culturalpoetical

15. Shakespeare’s line “To be a comrade with the wolf and the owl” is an example of ———————
1) Metonymy
2) Synecdoche
3) Antonomasia
4) Epithet

16. Treating loft and elevated subject in a low and prosaic manner is known as
1) Mock- heroic
2) Burlesque
3) Ludicrous hyperbole
4) Personification

17. Euphuism attributes to the labored and affected style employed by ——————— in his “Euphues and his England”
1) Spencer
2) Thomas Nash
3) Oscar wilde
4) John Lyly

18. Thomas More’s Utopia was published in ———————
1) 1515
2) 1516
3) 1517
4) 1518

19. Marlowe’s Hero and Leander version is heavily influenced by the work of the classical poet ———————
1) Homer
2) Virgil
3) Ovid
4) Dante

20. ——————— of Shakespeare’s plays were published during his lifetime in the small-format, inexpensive books called quartos
1) Eighteen
2) Twenty
3) Twenty-four
4) Twenty-five

21. The play The Devil Is an Ass is written by ———————
1) Thomas Lodge
2) Thomas Nashe
3) Robert Greene
4) Ben Jonson

22. The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most popular allegory in English and its basic metaphor involves life as ———————
1) a curse
2) an experience
3) a journey
4) a game

23. Dryden’s play, All for Love, owes much to Shakespeare’s ———————
1) Much Ado about Nothing
2) As You Like It
3) Romeo and Juliet
4) Antony and Cleopatra

24. Pope criticized ——————— in his famous “Atticus Passage” which appears in his “Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot”
1) Addison
2) Steele
3) Heywood
4) Lord Hervey

25. Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France is an attack on the French Revolution and its —————— sympathizers.
1) French
2) English
3) Whig
4) Tory

26. Byron’s, ——————— is a devastating satire on the life and death of George III.
1) Don Juan
2) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
3) The Vision of Judgment
4) “When we two parted”

27. In the end of the poem The Princess, by Tennyson, ——————— and the prince look forward to a future in which man will be “more of woman, she of man.”
1) Lidia
2) Lida
3) Ida
4) Eva

28. —————— is criticized by feminists for both for the sentimentality of its ideal of woman and for the oppressive effect of this ideal on women’s lives
1) Browning’s Men and Women
2) Coventry Patmore’s The Angel in the House
3) John Ruskin’s ‘‘Of Queens’ Gardens’’
4) Mill’s The Subjection of Women

29. The novella Heart of Darkness deals with the story of the Seaman ——————— who, fresh from Europe, is sent on a boat journey up the Congo River to relieve Kurtz
1) Fresleven
2) Kurtz
3) Marlow
4) Brickmaker

30. E.M. Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread is a ——————— projection of conflicts between refined English gentility and coarse Italian vitality
1) tragicomic
2) comic
3) tragic
4) unfinished

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