Jain Vishva Bharati University BA Third Year Examination Question Paper : jvbi.ac.in

University : Jain Vishva Bharati University
Degree : B.A. Third Year
Document Type : Previous Question Paper
Year : 2016

Website : http://jvbi.ac.in/
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B.A. Third Year Examination Question Paper :

Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
à. 1 Define the origin and development of knowledge in Jain tradition.

Related : Jain Vishva Bharati University B.Com. Second Year Examination Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11630.html

Explain the types of perceptual knowledge.

à. 2. Define direct knowledge.
Define the nature subject and owner of mind reading knowledge

à. 3. Explain the fourfold logic.
What do you know about validity of knowledge? Explain.

à. 4. Throw light on the importance of Nihilation in Jain logic tradition.
What is meant by Gain of objects knowledge?

à. 5. Write short notes on any four.
(i) Scriptual knowledge
(ii) Organ of Knowledge
(iii)Fallacious differentia
(iv) Transcendental knowledge
(v) Recognition
(vi) Inference

Attempt all questions :
à. 1. Throw light on the relation of Religion and Science.
Write an essay on spiritual and Scientific personality.
à. 2. Explain the Rebirth theory according to different philosophies.
Describe the nature and types of soul according to Jain philosophy.
à. 3. What do you mean by vegetarianism? Explain its importance.
Prove that “Soul is not universal”
Critically explain the theory of Vaidik Nonviolence.
à. 4. Explain the theory of seven fold prediction.
What do you know about Aalayvigyan.
à. 5. Write an essay on the Theory of Anekant/Non-Absolutism.
Write an essay on the origin and development of Jain Nyaya.

Attempt all questions :
à. 1. Critically explain “The theory of eternal and non eternal” according to Syadvadamanjari.
Prove that “God is not the creator of world”.
à. 2. Critically explain the theory of Samvaya.
Throw light on the Meta Physics of vaisesika.

à. 3.What is fasting? How different diseases can be treated by fasting?
à. 4. Write an essay on Alcohol abstinence.
What do you mean by Tobacco abstinence? Why is it essential for good health?
à. 5. Explain the theory of Jain Anekantvad.
Explain the concept of Jain theology.

Attempt all questions :
à. 1. Through light on the objectives and functions of the United Nations Organization.
Evaluate the functions of International Court.
à. 2. Analyse the contribution of Anuvarat Vishva Bharati in Nonviolence and Peace.
Describe the functions of the Nobel Peace Prize Institute.
à. 3.Evaluate the Pagwash Movement.
Write an essay on Bus Movement.
à. 4. Evaluate the Sampoorna Kranti.
Describe the detail of Bhoodan Movement.
à. 5. Describe in detail Bishnoi movement.
Discuss the role of “Appiko Movement” in environmental conservation.

Attempt all questions :
à. 1. Clarify the concept of peace and explain the peace education.
Throw light on peace research.
à. 2. Explain the nature of conflict resolution.
Describe the Gandhian method of conflict resolution.
à. 3. Explain the relative attitude.
Explain tolerance and throw light on its need.
à. 4. Throw light on the need of Human rights in social conflict.
Throw light on Right of Equality.
à. 5. Write short notes (any two)
(A) Intolerance
(B) Purity in Election
(C) Non-Violent life-Style
(D) Distribution

Subject : English Literature
Paper – I : Poetry And Drama
Attempt all questions :
Q. 1. Explain any four of the following stanzas with reference to the context : 20
(i) He leaves a white Unbroken glory a gathered radiance,
A width a shining peace, under the night

(ii) What passing bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns
Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.

(iii) Surely some revelation is at hand
Surely the second coming is at hand
The second coming.

(iv) You want one glass Lassi?
Very good for digestion
With little salt lovely drink
Better than wine

(v) I watched the holy man perform his rites
to tame the poison with an incantation
After twenty hours
It lost its sting.

(vi) He Said
The river has water enough
to be poetic
about only once a year

(vii) You sit with them and talk
She sews and you sit and sip
And speak of the rate of rice
and the price of tea

Q. 2. Write a critical appreciation of the poem “The Dead”.
Bring out the central idea of the poem “The Journey of Magi” by Eliot. 10

Q. 3. Write a critical analysis of the poem “Anthem for Doomed Youth”. Bring out the patriotic elements from the poem.
“Night of the Scorpion” is a melody of Indian superstitions”. Analyse the said poem in the light of the said statement. 10

Q. 4. What are the “railroad reveries” discussed in the poem “Railroad Reveries”? Discuss. 10
Bring out the elements of Indian English from the poem “Very Indian Poem in Indian English”.

Q. 5. Substantiate and analyse the justification of the title of “The Post Office” by Tagore. 10
Illustrate the plot of the drama “The Post Office” by Tagore.

Q. 6. Draw a character sketch of Raghupati from “Sacrifice” by Tagore. 10
Illustrate and examine the theme of the play “Sacrifice” by Tagore.

Categories: History
Tags: jvbi.ac.in
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