hpsc.gov.in HCS Preliminary Exam Geography Question Paper : Haryana Public Service Commission

Name of the Organization : Haryana Public Service Commission
Name of the Exam : HCS (Ex.Br.) Preliminary Exam
Subject : Geography
Document Type : Previous Question Paper
Year : 2014

Website : http://hpsc.gov.in/en-us/
Download Sample/Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11234-Geography.pdf

HCS Preliminary Exam Geography Question Paper :

Time Allowed : Two hours
Code : 09
Max.marks : 100

Instruction :
1. Use only BLUE Ball Point Pen.
2. In case of any defect – Misprint, Missing Question/s Get the booklet changed.

Related : HPSC HCS Preliminary Exam Economics Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11224.html

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4. Before you mark the answer, read the instruction on the OMR Sheet (Answer Sheet) also before attempting the questions and fill the particulars in the ANSWER SHEET carefully and correctly.
5. There are FOUR options to each question. Darken only one to which you think is the right answer. There will be no Negative Marking.
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7. The candidates are to ensure that the Answer Sheet is handed over to the room invigilator only.
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9. Write the BOOKLET SERIES in the space provided in the answer sheet, by darkening the corresponding circles.
10. Regarding incorrect questions or answers etc. Candidates kindly see NOTE at the last page of the Booklet.

1. Geography is the study of
(A) Mars
(B) Jupiter
(C) Uranus
(D) Earth

2. Planet nearest to the Sun is
(A) Saturn
(B) Earth
(C) Venus
(D) Mercury

3. Biggest Planet of Solar System is
(A) Jupiter
(B) Uranus
(C) Earth
(D) Mars

4. Nova Theory of the origin of the Earth was propounded by :
(A) Kant
(B) Jeifreys
(C) Hoyal
(D) Chamberlin

5. Moon is a satellite of
(A) Neptune
(B) Mars
(C) None of the above
(D) Saturn

6. Density of the Earth Core is
(A) 2.7
(B) 4.s
(C) 11.6
(D) 5.5

7. Zone of the earth interior made of light material
(A) Sima
(B) Mixed Zone
(C) Sial
(D) Core

8. SILL is the kind of
(A) Volcanic Rock
(B) Hlpabyssal Igneous Rocks
(C) Sedimentary Rocks
(D) Plutonic Igneous Rocks

9. Propounder of Continental Drift Theory is
(A) Jolly
(B) Wegner
(C) Holmes
(D) prat

10. Under which Plate India comes?
(A) Eurasian Plate
(B) Indo-Australian plate
(C) None of the above
(D) Pacific Plate

11. Concept of Isostasy is related to:
(A) Equal Temperature
(B) Equal Pressure
(C) Equal Balance
(D) Equal Precipitation

12. Monoclinical Fold is the result of
(A) Upward Forces
(B) Downward Forces
(C) Orogenetic Forces
(D) None of the Above

13. Rift Valley is formed due to
(A) Compression of rocks
(B) Tension in rocks
(C) Sudden forces
(D) None of the above

14. Elastic Rebound Theory was propounded by :
(A) Ried
(B) Taylor
(C) Airy
(D) Prat

15. Volcanic Belt known as Ring of Fire is :
(A) Circum pacific Belt
(B) Mid-Atlantic Belt
(C) Mid-Continental Belt
(D) None of the above

16. Oxidation is a Process of :
(A) Erosion
(B) Weathering
(C) Transportation
(D) None of the above

17. Abrasion is a Part of
(A) Weathering
(B) Erosion
(C) De Position
(D) All of the above

18. Propounder of the concept of ‘ cycle of erosion
A) w.M Davis
B) L’c’ King
C) Penk
D) Hutton

19. Dendritik Drainage Pattern is related to:
A) Glacier
B) Wind
C) River
D) Underground water

20. Oxbow Lake is formed by
(A) River
(C) Ocean currents
(B) wind
(D) None of the above

21. Medial Morains are formed due to the convergence of two
(A) Glaciers
(B) Rivers
(C) Ocean currents
(D) Winds

22. Mushroom is the result of the work of
(A) Flowing water
B) Wind
(C) Ocean waves
(D) Glaciers

23. instrument which measures earth quake waves is known as
A) Thermo graph
B) Hygro graph
C) Sesimo graoh
(D) Anemometer

24. Place in the Earth Interior where Earthquake.waves originate
(A) Hypo center
(B) EPicenter
(C) Shadow zone
(D) None of the above

25. Barkhan is a feature formed by
(A) Glacier
(B) Wind
(C) Underground water
(D) Ocean currents

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