kset.uni-mysore.ac.in Computer Science & Applications Model Question Paper : Karnataka State Eligibility Test

Organisation : University of Mysore
Exam : Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) Center for Lecturership
Document Type : Model/Previous Question Paper
Subject : Computer Science And Applications
Year : 2015

Website : http://kset.uni-mysore.ac.in/
Download Model/Previous Question Paper :
Paper – II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/10378-ComputerII.pdf
Paper – III : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/10378-ComputerIII.pdf
Key Answers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/10378-ComputerKey.pdf

Computer Science & Applications Question Paper :

Subject Code : K-2415
Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks : 100

Related : Karnataka State Eligibility Test Law & Public Administration Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/10374.html

1. Let X and Y be two sets having n elements each. Then the total number of bijective functions from X and Y is
(A) n
(B) 2n
(C) n!
(D) 2n

2. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first set is 56 more than that of the total number of subsets of the second. The values of m and n are
(A) 7, 6
(B) 6, 3
(C) 5, 1
(D) 8, 7

3. Let P, Q and R be three languages. If P and R are regular and if PQ = R, then
(A) Q has to be regular
(B) Q cannot be regular
(C) Q need not be regular
(D) Q has to be a CFL

4. Suppose that a connected plane graph has 20 vertices each of degree 3. How many regions, does a representation of this planar graph split the plane ?
(A) 6
(B) 9
(C) 11
(D) 12

5. in regular expression indicates
(A) Matches any character
(B) Matches zero or more instances of the previous pattern item
(C) Matches one or more instances of the previous pattern item
(D) Matches zero or one instances of the previous pattern item

6. The proposition ¬(P -Q)?(p-Q) is
(A) Tautology
(B) Contradiction
(C) Contingency
(D) Not valid

7. Minimize the following Boolean function using Karnaugh map :
F (w, x, y, z) = S (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14)
(A) y’ + w’z’ + xz’
(B) y’ + w’yz’ + xyz’
(C) y’ + z’
(D) y’ + w’ + w’

8. How many BCD adder stages are needed for a decimal parallel adder that adds ‘n’ decimal digits ? Assume that the output carry from one stage must be connected to the input carry of the next higher-order stage.
(A) n – 1
(B) n
(C) n + 1
(D) 2n

9. The floating-point representation is defined in IEEE standard
(A) 541
(B) 633
(C) 754
(D) 802

10. Consider a combinational circuit designed using ROM that accepts a 3-bit number and generates an output binary number equal to the square of the input number. What is minimum size of the ROM ?
(A) 3 × 4
(B) 3 × 8
(C) 8 × 4
(D) 8 × 8

11. Assume a = 10, b = 20 and c = 0 of integer type variables. To find the addition of a and b without using arithmetic operators, which of the following code is correct ?
(A) a++ ; while (b – –)
(B) while (b+ +) a++ ;
(C) b – – ; while (a++)
(D) while (b – –) a++ ;

12. Given below are some statements about the default (0-argument) constructor
I) Its return type is the type of the class.
II) It has no return type.
III) The programmer can define it, but the C++ language doesn’t require this.
IV) The programmer must define it.
V) It is always defined by C++ if it isn’t provided by the programmer.
VI) It is sometimes, but not always, defined by C++ if it isn’t provided by the programmer.

Which of the statements are true ?
(A) I, III and V only
(B) I, II and VI only
(C) II and IV only
(D) II, III and VI only

13. When an ADT is implemented as a C++ class, which of the following should normally be true ?
(A) Member functions are private, member variables are public.
(B) Member functions are public, member variables are private.
(C) Member functions as well as member variables are private.
(D) Member functions as well as member variables are public.

14. What is Shallow Copy ?
(A) A Shallow Copy creates a copy of the dynamically allocated objects too
(B) A Shallow Copy creates a copy of the statistically allocated object too
(C) A Shallow Copy just copies the value of the data as they are
(D) Both B) and C)

15. Assume that the random number generating function – rand ( ), returns an integer between 0 and 10000 (both inclusive). To randomly generate a number between a and b (both inclusive), use the expression
(A) rand ( ) % (b – a)
(B) (rand ( ) % a) + b
(C) (rand ( ) % (b – a)) + a
(D) (rand ( ) % (b – a + 1)) + a

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