cbseacademic.in XII STD Fine Arts Sample Question Paper 2016 – 17 : CBSE Academic

Name of the Board : CBSE Academic
Class : XII STD
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Subject : Fine Arts
Year : 2016 – 2017
Website : http://cbseacademic.in/SQP_CLASSXII_2016_17.html

CBSE Fine Arts Sample Question Paper

Time allowed: 02 hours
Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions :
i. All the eight questions are compulsory, which carry equal marks.

Related : CBSE Academic XII STD Fashion Studies Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/10071.html

Commercial Art Theory

1. Describe the main features of the Bengal School of Painting. 5

2. Evaluate the aesthetic grandeur of any of the following Contemporary (modern) Indian art works based on its (a) name of artist, (b) medium and technique, (c) subject-matter and (d) composition
(i) Magician (Painting) 5
(ii) Devi (Graphics Print)
(iii) Cries Un-heard (Sculpture)

Fine Arts Download Sample Question Paper :
Commercial Art :
Graphics :
Painting :
Sculpture :

3. How far has the painter been successful in depicting the subject-matter of any of the following miniature painting? Give your appropriate reasons on the basis of the aesthetical parameters.
(i) Maru-Ragini (Rajasthani School) 5
(ii) Radha and Krishna Looking into a Mirror (Pahari School)

4. Do you receive any Spiritual Message from the famous Mughal miniature-painting ‘Kabir and Raidas’ or famous Deccani miniature-painting ‘Hazarat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro’? Explain in short. 5

5. Highlight the aesthetical aspects on any one of the following paintings of the Bengal School, which attracts you most 5
(i) Radhika (Done by M.A.R. Chughtai)
(ii) Meghdoot (Done by Ram Gopal Vijaivargiya )

6. Mention the title of the art-work done by each of the following contemporary (modern) Indian artists, which is included in your course of study 5
(i) P.V. Janakiram (Sculpture)
(ii) Krishna Reddy (Graphic Artist)
(iii) Jamini Roy (Painter)
(iv) M. F. Husain (Painter)
(v) G. R. Santosh (Painter)

Sculpture Theory

General Instructions:
i. All the eight questions are compulsory, which carry equal marks.

1. Appreciate any of the following contemporary (modern) Indian Sculptures duly based on its (a) title and name of the sculptor, (b) medium and technique, (c) subject-matter and (d) composition.
(a) Chatturmukhi 5
(b) Triumph of Labour
(c) Santhal Family

2. Describe the main features of the Rajasthani or Pahari School of Miniature Painting. 5
3. Which human life-values are expressed in any of the following miniature paintings? Explain in short? 5
(1) Krishna Lifting Mount Govardhana
(2) Dancers

4. Identify any relevant painting of the Bengal School included in your course of study comprising of the features and explain them in that painting accordingly 5 (a) The creation of mystic and mellow style by using gloomy colouring with diffused light background and absence of any dark line or tone, which provide the experience of the astralworld.

(b) The delineation of attenuated human figures with elongated limbs and tapering fingers, which reflect the influence of the Rajasthani, Pahari and Mughal miniatures. Hence emphasis in European realism is terminated.

5. Write a critical note on the compositional arrangement of any of the following contemporary (modern) Indian Sculptures included in your course of study, based on the aesthetic-parameters
(1) Santhal Family 5
(2) Ganesha

6. Mention the names of any five sub-schools of the Rajasthani and Pahari School of Miniature- Painting included in your course of study, which you like most. 5

7. Mention the titles of any five Miniature Paintings of the Mughal and Deccan Schools included in your course of study. 5
8. Mention the names of five paintings of the Bengal School of Painting included in your course of study. 5

Painting Theory

1. Describe the main features of the Rajasthani or Pahari School of Miniature Painting. 5

2. Which one do you like or dislike most among all the Mughal or Deccan School Miniature Painting included in your course of study? Give your appropriate reasons in detail in the light of the Capabilities of its artist in handling the medium & technique, depiction of the subject-matter and the way of composition. 5

3. Describe the evolution of the Indian National Flag and the symbolic significance of forms and colours used in it.

4. Which human life values are expressed in the painting ‘Rama Vanquishing the Pride of the cean’ done by famous contemporary (modern) Indian painter Raja Ravi Verma? Explain in short. 5

5. Evaluate the artistic achievements of any of the following painters with reference to his particular painting included in your course of study: 5
(i) Sahibin [Rajasthani School (Mewar)]
(ii) Guman [Rajasthani School(Jaipur)]

Graphics Theory

1. Describe the origin and development of the Rajasthani or Pahari School of Miniature Painting. 5
2. Appreciate any Mughal or Deccani Miniature Painting included in your course of study, deeply based on the following points. 5

(a) Title and name of the painter/ sub-school
(b) Medium & technique
(c) Subject-matter
(d) Composition

3. Which human life values are shown in any of the following paintings of the Bengal School? Explain in short 5
(a) Journey’s end
(b) Radhika

4. How far has the graphics-artist been successful in depicting the subject-matter of any of the following contemporary (modern) Indian graphic-prints? Give appropriate reasons on the basis of the aesthetic-parameters 5
(1) Whirlpool
(2) Children

5. Identify any relevant painting of the Rajasthani or Pahari School of Miniature Painting included in your Course of Study. Composing of the following features and explain them in that painting accordingly 5

(a) The tradition of simple and straight-forward composing in the Rajasthani miniature-painting in, which main figures stand-out against a flat background in dark or bright colours.
(b) The tendency to show high horizon in the Basohli miniature paintings.

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